Modern approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students. Modern approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students

Control is the identification, measurement and evaluation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Verification is an integral component of control, the purpose of which is to provide feedback between the teacher and students, obtaining objective information about the degree of assimilation educational material.

Control contains evaluation (as a process) and evaluation (as a result of verification).

Evaluation is a determination of the quality of the learning outcomes achieved by the student.

A mark is the result of a value judgment, expressed in points.

The purpose of control: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, identify errors and find ways to eliminate them.

Monitoring and evaluation have the following functions:

1. Educational f. – determines the result by comparing the expected learning effect with the actual one.

On the part of the teacher: a) a statement of the quality of mastering the educational material by students is carried out; completeness and awareness of knowledge, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations; b) the dynamics of progress or unformed personality traits is established; c) it becomes possible to identify problem areas in the work.

On the part of the student, it is established what are the specific results of his educational activity; what is learned firmly, consciously, and what needs to be repeated, deepened; which aspects of educational activity are formed, and which ones need to be formed.

2. The developing function is aimed at identifying the degree of development of the main mental operations and mental processes.

3. The educational function is expressed in the consideration of the formation of the student's positive motives and readiness for self-control as a factor in overcoming the student's low self-esteem and anxiety. Properly organized control and evaluation relieves schoolchildren of the fear of control work, reduces the level of anxiety, focuses on independence, activity, self-control.

The most important principle of diagnosing to control the learning ability of a student is objectivity, systematicity, visibility.

Types of control: preliminary, current, thematic (frontier), final.

Evaluation standards:

The mark "5" (excellent) is given for knowledge in full of the requirements of the state. standard: the student can highlight theoretical and factual material, build an answer on his own, explain concepts, and also knows the correct style and literary form of the answer.

"4" (good) is given for knowledge in the scope of the requirements of the state standard with minor errors in the content, form and style of the answer.

The use of additional material, independence of judgments, reflection of one's attitude to the subject of judgments, the presence of 2 - 3 errors or 4 - 6 shortcomings in the current educational material; no more than 2 mistakes and 4 shortcomings on the material covered; minor violations of the logic of presentation; the use of irrational methods for solving a learning problem; inaccuracies in the presentation of the material.

"3" (satisfactory) is set for a minimum of knowledge in the scope of the requirements of the state standard, allowing the student to move forward in the program. The student knows the basic provisions, but there is no depth of assimilation, integrity, the answer is disparate thoughts, answers with the help of the teacher. No more than 4 - 6 mistakes or no more than 3 - 5 mistakes and 8 shortcomings on the material covered.

"2" (bad) is given when the level of knowledge does not allow moving on in the program, there is no system in knowledge, does not distinguish between the main and the secondary, speaks in memorized phrases, without understanding them. The presence of more than 6 errors or 10 shortcomings in the current material, more than 5 errors and 8 shortcomings in the material covered.

In the traditional system of education, evaluation criteria have been developed on a five-point assessment scale. Requirements for grading: individual character; differentiated approach; comprehensiveness, systematic, variety of forms; unity of requirements; objectivity, motivation, publicity.

The mark often becomes a means of coercion, a method of psychological and social pressure on the student, as it is often identified with the personality as a whole, dividing students into good and bad. There is a social problem "2": it causes negative emotions, conflicts of the student with himself, with the teacher, subject, school, parents.

In student-centered technologies, the mark is used very limitedly, since "marks are the crutches of lame pedagogy." Instead of quantitative assessment - qualitative assessment: characteristics, a package of the best results of the child, training in self-analysis, self-assessment.

There are several types of rating scales:

The quantitative scale is designed to represent the score as a number. This is a well known scoring system. If the reference point is not associated with the student, does not depend on him, and the student is only at a certain point on the numerical scale, then they speak of an absolute evaluation scale.

If the student makes great efforts to complete the task, but, nevertheless, his results seem to be lower than the result of another with higher abilities, then the absolute rating scale conflicts with pedagogical considerations. This problem is especially acute when teaching teenagers. A teenager's sense of self-identity acquires a new psychological quality - his own, deep "I". A teenager is afraid of self-disclosure, and this is expressed in the danger of external evaluation.

Therefore, in this case it is more appropriate to speak of a relative evaluation scale. The relative rating scale involves comparing the state of the student on this moment with his same condition some time ago.

Let's not forget that there are also other rating scales - ordinal. They are used in semi-structured areas such as art.

Descriptive scales are also distinguished - these are descriptive scales.

An example of a descriptive language rating scale

Consider student work.

He is fluent in the technique of painting, he is confident in the selection of a color medium - combinations of such and such shades are very successful. It gives the impression of warmth and serenity. The format of the work is well defined, a sketch selected from the proposed series is used. At the same time, it is not mentioned that this student has not mastered the rules of composition (He will not learn how to correctly place objects in the sheet in the foreground and background.).

Art is always a feeling, and a feeling, in principle, is not standardized (unlike action). Everyone feels differently. Recently, more and more often abroad, a method of evaluation on a descriptive analog scale, or the so-called "folder of achievements" (collection of creative works of different age periods, periods of a situational nature, for example: at the time of a creative upsurge or not very good mood). Thus, by collecting such a “folder”, the child has the opportunity to track his progress.

The disadvantages of ordinal rating scales are the difficulty in determining the assessment (the need for experts, instructions), as well as doubts about their objectivity, and the undoubted advantages are informative and meaningful.

The experience of ungraded learning Sh.A. Amonashvili.

In his teaching, the mark is used very limitedly, since "marks are the crutches of a lame pedagogy." Instead of quantitative assessment - qualitative assessment: characteristics, a package of the best results of the child, training in self-analysis, self-assessment.

Conclusion of a contract

Each student is given an individual sheet, which indicates the topics that he must study and the dates of the checks.

Objectivity of assessments as a psychological and pedagogical problem. The impact of assessment and marks on the formation of educational activities and personal development of the student. Formation of an adequate attitude to the assessment and mark of the subjects of the pedagogical situation.

A number of subjective evaluations in evaluation are widely known:

1. Mistakes of generosity - manifested in the teacher giving inflated marks. The extreme form of generosity in evaluations is percentage mania.

2. Errors of the central tendency - manifested by teachers in an effort to avoid extreme marks, for example, not to put "2" or "5".

3. Halo error - associated with teacher bias and a tendency to evaluate positively those students whom they personally feel good about and vice versa.

4. Mistakes of the contrast of other people is that the knowledge of the quality of the personality and the behavior of the student is assessed high or low, depending on whether the teacher himself has the same characteristics high or low.

5. The error of proximity finds its expression in the fact that it is difficult for the teacher to put "5" immediately after "2". With a negative answer from an excellent student, the teacher can rearrange his mark in the direction of overestimation.

6. Logical errors are manifested in making similar assessments of different psychological properties and character, which seem to them logically related. For example, the transfer of grades for behavior to grades for a subject.

Pedagogical assessment performs two functions: correlation and motivation.

The ratio function acts as an indicator of determining the results of the achievement level.

The motivational function is associated with an incentive effect on the student's personality, causing shifts in the child's self-esteem, the level of his claims.

Therefore, in the psychological and pedagogical sense, the motivational function in pedagogical assessment is especially important. It is important that the assessment of the child by the teacher is carried out in the interests of the socio-psychological development of the child. To do this, it must be adequate, fair, objective.

Evaluation Evaluation is any process, formalized or expert, that culminates in an evaluation. A formalized version of the assessment, which gives quantitative estimates, is called a measurement. Assessment is a complex process: to collect information about the quality and dynamics of learning and upbringing results, to process and contextually interpret data in order to make some important decisions on final learning and goals.

The main tasks of evaluation: To predict the possible consequences, the results of the implementation of methodological approaches; Provide feedback; Assess the degree of achievement of the intended goals; Assess how and to what extent the observed changes are related to the methodological measures taken; Provide evidence-based information for the further implementation of methodological approaches.

Evaluation system The evaluation system is understood not only as the scale that is used when marking and the moments at which it is customary to set marks, but as a whole, the mechanism for implementing control and diagnostic communication between the teacher, student and parents regarding the success of the educational process, as well as the implementation self-determination of such by students

Assessment functions: teaching - this assessment function involves not so much the registration of existing knowledge, the level of students' learning, but the addition, expansion of the knowledge fund; educational - the formation of skills for a systematic and conscientious attitude to educational duties; orienting - the impact on the mental work of the student in order to understand the process of this work and understand his own knowledge

Evaluation functions: stimulating - impact on volitional sphere through the experience of success or failure, the formation of claims and intentions, actions and relationships; diagnostic - continuous monitoring of the quality of students' knowledge, measurement level of knowledge at various stages of training, identifying the causes of deviation from the set goals and timely adjustment of educational activities; checking the effectiveness of the teaching activity of the teacher himself; control and evaluation allow the teacher to obtain information about the quality of the educational process, taking into account which he makes adjustments to his work

Assessment functions: the formation of adequate self-esteem in students as personal education. Adequate self-esteem of schoolchildren is formed under the influence of grades and value judgments of the teacher. If these influences are negative, then they lead to the formation of low self-esteem, instill in the student a lack of self-confidence, resulting in a decrease in learning motivation and loss of interest in learning; a powerful motive for the learning activity of students; changes in interpersonal relations in the class team, assistance in raising the status of students. The positive or negative attitude of classmates to an individual student depends on the extent to which positive or negative pedagogical influences and assessments are applied to him.

The problem does not provide a full opportunity for the formation of the student's evaluative independence - the "cornerstone" of the building of educational independence (this ability is recognized today as a key competence that determines the new quality of content Russian education); makes it difficult to individualize learning (it is difficult for a teacher to fix and positively evaluate the real achievements of each individual child in comparison with the previous results of his learning);

The problem is uninformative (due to its formality and hiddenness of the criteria, it is often impossible to judge the actual level of knowledge by the mark and, most importantly, it is impossible to determine the vector of further efforts - what exactly needs to be improved, what to work on, to what extent this is even possible for this child ); often has a traumatic character (completely concentrated in the hands of the teacher, the "marking" system often turns out to be an instrument of manipulation and psychological pressure, which is directed, on the one hand, directly at the child, on the other hand, at the parents)

What is required The development of such an assessment system is relevant educational outcomes students, which: will eliminate the contradictions between the functions of assessment and the existing system of assessment; will allow to connect the assessment with the individual increment of educational results (knowledge, skills, competencies, etc.) of the student and create conditions in which the student gains experience in planning and implementing the process of his own learning, thereby growing (as defined by G. A. Zuckerman) " healthy self-esteem"; will allow to put into practice the assessment of new results of education.

Evaluation: modern tendencies OTC Written work, closed exam Open exam, projects Assessment by a teacher, tutor Assessment with the participation of students Implicit (implicit) assessment criteria Explicit (explicit) assessment criteria Competition Collaboration Result assessment Process assessment Goals and objectives Learning outcomes Knowledge assessment Assessment of skills, abilities, competencies Memory testing Assessment of understanding, interpretation , application, analysis, synthesis Course assessmentEvaluation of the module Final, summary assessmentFormative, developmental assessment

Definition Formative (internal) assessment aims to identify individual achievements each student and does not imply either a comparison of the results demonstrated by different students, or administrative conclusions based on learning outcomes. Formative this species assessment is called because the assessment is focused on a particular student, designed to identify gaps in the student's mastery of the element of the content of education in order to fill them with maximum efficiency.

Formative assessment allows the teacher to: clearly formulate the educational result to be formed and assessed in each specific case, and organize their work in accordance with this; make the student the subject of educational and evaluation activities.

Formative assessment for learners can help learn from mistakes; can help to understand what is important; can help to understand what they are doing; can help discover what they don't know; can help discover what they can't do;

The results of the application of formative assessment are: ensuring the development of the standard by all students in the most comfortable conditions for each, the maximum approximation of each student to the result planned by him if the result goes beyond the standard in terms of the level of mastering the content, the formation of evaluative independence of students, the formation of adequate self-esteem.

The Five Principles of Formative Assessment 1. The teacher provides regular feedback by giving students comments, remarks, etc. on their performance. 2. Students take an active part in organizing their own learning process. 3. The teacher changes teaching techniques and technologies depending on changes in student learning outcomes. 4. The teacher is aware that assessment through marks dramatically reduces the motivation and self-esteem of students. 5. The teacher recognizes the need to teach students the principles of self-assessment and ways to improve their own performance.

The purpose of the training is assessment tools Formation of critical thinking, formulation of judgments (argumentation, reflection, evaluation, conclusion, etc.) Writing an essay (focused on the presentation and development of argumentation, reflective assessment). · Critical analysis of the situation. · Critical assessment of the studied literature. Keeping a reflective diary. · Preparing a report/speech (fixing the problem and ways to resolve it). · Preparing \ writing an article. · Comments on an article, book, monograph.

Problem solving \ planning (defining or posing a problem, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting, planning experiments, applying theory and information, etc.) · Situation \ case analysis. Problem scheduling. Simulation of the situation. group work ( brainstorming identified problem and search for its solution). · Discussion and reflection with colleagues of problems/experiences from their own work. · Preparation of a draft research proposal on a real problem. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

Performing actions / demonstrating operations, techniques (calculations, working with texts, using equipment, performing procedures, filling out protocols, following instructions, etc.) Preparation of a report on laboratory work. · Demonstration of experience / experiment. Participation in a role play. · Use of software and videos. · Preparing a presentation poster. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

Management \ development (self-management and self-development) (skills for individual and cooperative work, responsibility for one's learning and development, ability to diagnose one's own learning needs, implement time management, Search learning resources for self-assessment, etc.) Conclusion and implementation of educational contracts (a form of self-managed projects in which students formulate a problem, design and implement a project, evaluate their achievements according to independent criteria). · Creation of a portfolio. · Implementation of self-assessment. · Writing an autobiography. Keeping reflective diaries. · Mutual evaluation. · Participation and evaluation of group projects. Mutual learning. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

Demonstration of knowledge / understanding (retelling, description, enumeration, recognition, exposition, etc.) Writing an essay (focused on the reproduction of information). · Filling out multivariate questionnaires. · Performing tests \ mini-tests. · Control polls. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

Development \ creation of materials (design, visualization, invention, creation, execution, etc.) · Creation of a portfolio. · Preparing a presentation. · Introduction · Participation in group projects. · Participation in the competition. · Project design and implementation. · Evaluation of the quality of performance. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

Communication, interaction (skills of verbal, non-verbal, written, oral, group communication; skills of argumentation, defense, negotiations, presentations, interviewing, etc.) Participation in group work. Participation in discussions (debates, negotiations). · Participation in role playing. · Preparation of a written presentation (essay, report, reflective diary, etc.). Participation in a public presentation with a video recording of what is happening. · Observation or demonstration of real professional skills. Learning Goal - Assessment Tools

New approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students

Merkurieva I.M.

Pedagogical Council


The revision of targets and priorities in determining educational outcomes entails the emergence of new approaches to assessing the quality of students' educational achievements. The level of formation of universal educational skills and abilities cannot be assessed using the traditional system, and therefore it becomes logical to switch to innovative technologies, the mechanisms of which allow evaluating the effectiveness of training based on personal results.

The vector of the modern approach to learning is its practical activity orientation, focusing not only on the assimilation of knowledge, but also on the ability to apply it in practice. At the same time, new forms of assessment are “tuned” not to the information reproduced by the student, but to the independent product created by him, ideally having applied value.

An innovative approach to evaluation requires a radical change in the traditional philosophy of evaluation according to the following system of projections:



1. Discreteness - continuity

In traditional assessment, learning is viewed as a discrete process: it is completed and fixed at the final assessment stage.

The main idea of ​​the new approach is that learning is recognized as a continuous process and it is proposed to move from the traditional understanding of evaluation as a measurement of the final result to the evaluation of the process of moving towards the result. The right of the student to make a mistake becomes obvious, which, when corrected, is considered progress in learning.

2. Fragmentation - consistency.

Traditional assessment, as a rule, is aimed at determining the level of mastery of subject knowledge and skills: it is, as it were, tied to a particular topic within a separate subject. Most of this knowledge is fragmentary and highly specialized.

A new approach to assessment involves measuring the formation of systemic interdisciplinary knowledge and generalized skills. Evaluation becomes multidimensional and interdisciplinary, aimed at measuring not “bookish”, but life knowledge.

Its toolkit is developed based on the requirements of the practical and applied orientation of knowledge and skills, the need for their application in real life situations.

3. Singularity - multiplicity.

The tools of the traditional assessment system are mostly limited: these are either independent or control works, which are compiled according to the same scheme - with the rationale for the decision or with the choice of an answer from the given set of them. In addition, practice shows that the traditional assessment is aimed at measuring any particular type of intelligence (logical-mathematical, linguistic, etc.), is predominantly individual and does not take into account group educational achievements.

The new approach assumes a plurality of assessment procedures and methods: variability of tools and means, measurement of various forms of intelligence, etc.

4. Quantity - quality.

Traditional quantification does not always reflect real Creative skills students, moreover, in some cases it distorts the picture, since it correlates more with the degree of diligence and discipline of the student than with the level of his creative qualities. Often overlooked are important characteristics, as the student's communication skills, the ability to work in a team, attitude to the subject, the level of efforts made to master the subject, individual style of mental activity, etc.

Qualitative evaluation information obtained in the process of observations, conversations, interviews with the student, analysis of his educational and cognitive activity is taken into account. The qualitative component makes it possible to significantly enrich the assessment, reflect "invisible" moments in the student's educational and cognitive activity, and provide a comprehensive vision of his abilities.

The integration of the quantitative and qualitative components of subject assessment shifts the focus from the student's momentary knowledge as an object of the learning process to his future potential as a subject of the process of continuous self-education

5. Rigidity - flexibility.

The traditional system is strictly determined by directive norms (standards, time factor, etc.). Of course, there are many positive aspects in this: in particular, they help to unify the assessment and make it more objective. At the same time, the rigidity of the assessment gives rise to a number of negative phenomena. Thus, students develop a “dependent” mentality: what is assessed should be taught; the winner is the one who does everything quickly (sometimes at the expense of quality). It is not taken into account that the creative factor always conflicts with the predetermined limits of activity.

The new approach involves assessing everything that the student knows and can do, and going beyond the established program and standards is widely encouraged. The time factor ceases to be one of the main criteria, especially when performing creative works and projects. It gives way to the factor of educational efficiency. Transition to flexible system assessments rethinks organizational issues traditional education (scheduling, formation study groups in class, etc.).

6. Artificiality - naturalness.

Majority procedure traditional forms assessment is artificial and, moreover, is of a pronounced stressful nature for students. As a rule, it is strictly regulated by the place, time and is carried out under the increased supervision of the teacher. Under such conditions, most students (due to excessive excitement, constraint by time, circumstances, etc.) cannot even demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they actually possess.

Objective assessment should be carried out in natural conditions for the student, relieving stress and tension. Therefore, with the new approach, non-traditional forms of assessment - conversation, interview, dialogue, etc. - occupy a large place.

7. Assessment - self-assessment.

In traditional assessment, all control levers are in the hands of the teacher: he points out shortcomings and gaps in the knowledge of the student. When performing independent and control work, in most cases, the interaction between the teacher and the student is completely excluded.

With the new approach, mutual evaluation of students is encouraged, their right to self-assessment is recognized, the element of self-control and increased responsibility for the process and result of learning is strengthened. The functions of the teacher as a judge and controller are transformed into the actions of a consultant and assistant, his interaction with students is not interrupted during the assessment process, but becomes a natural continuation of cooperation in mastering new knowledge. The student independently and consciously identifies his gaps and works to eliminate them, turning to the teacher for advice and the necessary help.

The considered provisions form the structure of the innovative assessment system, set the general framework for its functioning and at the same time serve as criteria for the success and usefulness of each specific educational system, one of the main subsystems of which is the assessment system.

Among distinctive features of the proposed assessment system should be highlighted:

Comprehensive approach to the evaluation of results education

(assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results general education);

Using the planned results of the development of basic educational programs as a meaningfuland criteria base of assessment;

Grade success in mastering the content of individual subjects on the basis of a systemic - activity approach, manifested in the ability to perform educational and practical and educational and cognitive tasks;

Assessment of the dynamics of educational achievements students;

Combination of external and internal evaluationas a mechanism for ensuring the quality of education;

Tiered approachto the development of planned results, tools and data presentation;

Usage accumulative assessment system (Portfolio),characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements;

Use alongside standardized written or oral workevaluation methods such asprojects, practical work, creative work, introspection and self-assessment, observations and etc.;

Using contextual informationabout the conditions and features of the implementation of educational programs in the interpretation of the results of pedagogical measurements.

The second component of innovative assessment activity is the introduction of the rules for the technology of assessing educational achievements (educational success) of students, developed by a team of authors, methodologists and teachers of the School 2100 Educational System.

Evaluation technology is a technology of action in evaluation situations, which is described in the form of action rules for each type of case:

- "What to evaluate?"- any, especially successful action is evaluated, and only the solution of a full-fledged task is fixed with a mark, i.e. skills in the use of knowledge;

"Who evaluates?"- the teacher and the student, if possible, determine the assessment in the dialogue (external assessment + self-assessment). The student can reasonably challenge the mark;

"When to evaluate?"- for each educational task or group of tasks that show the mastery of a particular skill, a separate mark is put; for tasks solved when studying a new topic, a mark is placed only at the request of the student, since in the process of mastering the skills and knowledge on the topic, he has the right to make mistakes. For each task of the verification (control) work following the results of the topic, marks are given to all students, since everyone must show how he has mastered the skills and knowledge on the topic. The student cannot refuse to put this mark, but has the right to retake it;

"Where to record the results?"- marks (or part of them) are set in the table of requirements (work journal of a teacher, diary of a student) in the column of the skill that was the main one in the course of solving a specific problem;

"By what criteria to evaluate?"- the student's assessment is determined on a universal scale of threelevels of success, which is thencorrelates with the score. Final grades and marks (for a quarter, half a year,trimester) it is recommended to determine not just for a segment of the academic year(number of lessons in a quarter), but for the training module (block of topics) that was studied during this period of study time.The final assessment is expressed in the characteristics of the level of capabilities demonstrated by the student in a given period of time. The final grade is an indicator of the level of educational achievement.

One of the main requirements for innovative assessment activities is the student's masteryevaluative skills (reflection)which allows him to be a true subject of evaluative activity and master the corresponding actions on his own, without the intervention of a teacher. Evaluation of oneself as a subject of activity is, in essence, a person's determination of his possibilities of real (or planned) inclusion in a particular type of activity.

AT innovative learning different evaluation methods are used:

  • Evaluation of students' activities in the project.

(in the draft new Standard, one of important places occupies the implementation of the educational project by students);

  • Assessment of the ability to work with various search engines;
  • Assessment of the ability to work with information;
  • Assessment of the ability to present information;
  • Assessment of the student's skills and abilities in the form of a "Portfolio";
  • Evaluation of own educational results - essay;
  • Student self-assessment is a reflection.

Thus, in modern conditions the teacher is required to use innovative ways of assessing the achievements of students, providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary skills and key competencies.


1. Danilov, D.D. Technologies for assessing educational achievements (learning success)

students / D.D. Danilov // Educational technologies: Sat. mat. – M. : Balass, 2008.

2. The concept of federal state educational standards of general education: project / Ros. acad. education; ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. - M.: Education, 2008.

3. Nine, A.Ya. Control and evaluation of educational activities of students in the process of innovation / A.Ya. Nine // Innovations in education. - Chelyabinsk: Black Sea Fleet IRPO MO RF, 1995.

4. Syusyukina I. E. Innovative assessment activity as a factor in the formation of a system of universal educational activities junior schoolchildren. - diss. for the degree. Ph.D. , Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region.

6. Choshanov, M.A. School assessment: old problems and new perspectives / M.A. Choshanov // Pedagogy. - 2000. - No. 10.

Speech at the teachers' council


"New approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students"

The transition to new standards of education has outlined a number of new tasks in education. One of them is the transition to new approaches to assessing the quality of students' educational achievements.

New, innovative technologies should be based on the personal results of students.

By them we mean the development of thinking, creative abilities, social activity, as well as the level of general educational and subject skills, skills, knowledge, and competencies.

The personal educational results of each student will always differ from the achievements of other students, so the assessment of students must be approached integratively.

This requires a fundamental change in the traditional philosophy of evaluation.

You can see the differences in approaches by reading Table 1 “Assessment for different approaches to learning."

Table 1. Assessment under different approaches to learning



1. Discreteness - continuity

learning is a discrete process: it ends and is fixed at the final assessment stage. Evaluation - measurement of the end result

Learning is a continuous process. The process of moving towards the result is evaluated. The right of the student to make a mistake becomes obvious, which, when corrected, is considered progress in learning.

2. Fragmentation - consistency.

The assessment is aimed at determining the level of mastery of subject knowledge and skills on a topic within a particular subject. Most of this knowledge is fragmentary and highly specialized.

The formation of systemic interdisciplinary knowledge and generalized skills is assessed. The assessment is aimed at measuring not "book", but life knowledge

and the ability to apply them in real life situations.

3. Singularity - multiplicity.

The tools of the traditional assessment system are mostly limited: these are either independent or control works, which are compiled according to the same scheme - with the rationale for the decision or with the choice of an answer from the given set of them. In addition, practice shows that the traditional assessment is aimed at measuring any particular type of intelligence (logical-mathematical, linguistic, etc.), is predominantly individual and does not take into account group educational achievements.

The new approach assumes a plurality of assessment procedures and methods: variability of tools and means, measurement of various forms of intelligence, etc.

4. Quantity - quality.

The traditional quantitative assessment does not always reflect the real creative abilities of students, moreover, in some cases it distorts the picture, as it correlates more with the degree of diligence and discipline of the student than with the level of his creative qualities. Such important characteristics as the student's communication skills, the ability to work in a team, attitude to the subject, the level of efforts made to master the subject, the individual style of mental activity, etc., often fall out of sight.

Qualitative evaluation information obtained in the process of observations, conversations, interviews with the student, analysis of his educational and cognitive activity is taken into account. The qualitative component makes it possible to significantly enrich the assessment, reflect "invisible" moments in the student's educational and cognitive activity, and provide a comprehensive vision of his abilities.

The integration of the quantitative and qualitative components of subject assessment shifts the focus from the student's momentary knowledge as an object of the learning process to his future potential as a subject of the process of continuous self-education

5. Rigidity - flexibility.

The traditional system is strictly determined by directive norms (standards, time factor, etc.). Of course, there are many positive aspects in this: in particular, they help to unify the assessment and make it more objective. At the same time, the rigidity of the assessment gives rise to a number of negative phenomena. Thus, students develop a “dependent” mentality: what is assessed should be taught; the winner is the one who does everything quickly (sometimes at the expense of quality). It is not taken into account that the creative factor always conflicts with the predetermined limits of activity.

The new approach involves assessing everything that the student knows and can do, and going beyond the established program and standards is widely encouraged. The time factor ceases to be one of the main criteria, especially when performing creative works and projects. It gives way to the factor of educational efficiency. The transition to a flexible assessment system rethinks the organizational aspects of traditional education (scheduling, formation of study groups in the classroom, etc.).

6. Artificiality - naturalness.

The procedure of most traditional forms of assessment is artificial and, moreover, is of a pronounced stressful nature for trainees. As a rule, it is strictly regulated by the place, time and is carried out under the increased supervision of the teacher. Under such conditions, most students (due to excessive excitement, constraint by time, circumstances, etc.) cannot even demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they actually possess.

Objective assessment should be carried out in natural conditions for the student, relieving stress and tension. Therefore, with the new approach, non-traditional forms of assessment - conversation, interview, dialogue, etc. - occupy a large place.

7. Assessment - self-assessment.

In traditional assessment, all control levers are in the hands of the teacher: he points out shortcomings and gaps in the knowledge of the student. When performing independent and control work, in most cases, the interaction between the teacher and the student is completely excluded.

With the new approach, mutual evaluation of students is encouraged, their right to self-assessment is recognized, the element of self-control and increased responsibility for the process and result of learning is strengthened. The functions of the teacher as a judge and controller are transformed into the actions of a consultant and assistant, his interaction with students is not interrupted during the assessment process, but becomes a natural continuation of cooperation in mastering new knowledge. The student independently and consciously identifies his gaps and works to eliminate them, turning to the teacher for advice and the necessary help.

Not only the approaches applied to assessment are changing, but also the assessment technology itself.

Now it will be importantto evaluate any, especially successful action, and to fix with a mark only the solution of a full-fledged task, as an ability to use knowledge.

The student will become a participant in his assessment, putting forward a self-assessment, and at the same time he can reasonably challenge the mark.

The assessment will need to be set for each educational task or group of tasks that show the mastery of a particular skill, a separate mark is put; for tasks solved when studying a new topic, a mark is placed only at the request of the student, since in the process of mastering the skills and knowledge on the topic, he has the right to make mistakes. For each task of the verification (control) work following the results of the topic, marks are given to all students, since everyone must show how he has mastered the skills and knowledge on the topic. The student cannot refuse to put this mark, but has the right to retake it.

In order for the assessment to be objective, it is convenient to use a universal scale of threelevels of success, which is thencorrelates with the score.

Although the traditional assessment on a five-point scale is simple and familiar, however, it has significant drawbacks: subjectivity (depends on the personality, the mood of the teacher) and weak differentiating ability.

The point system allows you to more objectively evaluate the student, find a gap in the student's knowledge, shortcomings in the assimilation of the studied material. The main thing in this case is to identify questions that the student has poorly mastered, to outline a system of measures to eliminate the noted shortcomings.

Due to its psychological characteristics, the child is not yet able to study for the sake of knowledge. He will try to learn only if he knows, and in practice he is convinced that his work is watched, directed, his efforts and growth are noticed. With poor control, interest in learning disappears. The student stops trying to prepare lessons regularly. Children love it when they evaluate their work, emphasize efforts and successes. They also tend to get upset when they get bad grades.

One of the main requirements for innovative assessment activity is the student's mastery of assessment skills (reflection), which allows him to be a true subject of assessment activity and master the relevant actions on his own, without the intervention of a teacher.

In innovative learning, various forms of assessment are used:

Project evaluation


Educational portfolios

Student self-assessment - reflection

The last type of assessment (student self-assessment) precedes teacher assessment. The discrepancy between these estimates becomes the subject of discussion.

In his practical activities when working with schoolchildren of secondary and lower grades some teachers use learning achievement assessment techniques such as “Ladder” - students on the steps of the ladder note how they learned the material: the bottom step - did not understand, the second step - a little help or correction is required, the top step - the child has mastered the material well and can do the work on one's own; “Magic Ruler” - scales are drawn on the margins of notebooks and marked with a cross at what level, in their opinion, the work was done. When checking, if the teacher agrees with the student's assessment, he circles the cross, if not, then draws his own cross, lower or higher. "Traffic light" - assessment of the performance of tasks using color signals. Red - I can do it myself, yellow - I can do it, but I'm not sure, green - I need help. The “Compliment” exercise is used during students’ oral responses: “Good girl! ", "Well done! ", "Excellent! ", "Good. The use of envelopes for "medals" - "For the craving for reading", "For success in mathematics", "For the ability to be friends", "For diligence", "For curiosity".

When revealing the individual dynamics of the quality of assimilation of an object by a child, it should not be allowed to compare it with other children.

One of the most technologically advanced forms of automated control is testing. Tests are convenient to apply at all stages of the didactic process.

However, not all tests can give the desired result. It is necessary to use appropriate test meters, designed and analyzed in accordance with the rules and requirements of testology.

The rating system of assessment makes it possible to overcome many of the shortcomings of the traditional system and to assess the progress of each student in a sufficiently differentiated way. This system has been used quite effectively

Even in pre-revolutionary Russia. Gymnasium students were ranked by success in educational activities - the teacher compiled a list of students in the class in descending order of results. A clear reflection of this list was the distribution of students in the classroom - they were transplanted depending on their place on the list: the strong - forward, the weak - back, to Kamchatka.

Portfolio as an alternative student assessment system allows solving a number of tasks in building a student-centered educational process: it captures changes and growth over a certain period of time, supports learning goals, encourages student results, reveals the full range of work performed, ensures the continuity of the learning process from year to year, shows the range of skills and abilities.

The main point of a study portfolio is to show everything that you are capable of. Pedagogical philosophy This form of assessment consists in shifting the emphasis from what the student does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do on a given topic, given subject, in integrating qualitative assessment, and, finally, in shifting the pedagogical emphasis from learning assessment to self-esteem. The main task of the portfolio is to track the dynamics of educational progress.

So, the assessment of knowledge in one form or another is a necessary part of the educational process. The methods and forms of assessment should be determined by the teacher depending on the learning objectives, topic, subject, age and individual characteristics. This requires a differentiated approach, taking into account the diversity of didactic and educational functions in the educational process.

The Singapore learning technology being implemented in Tatarstan also contains techniques that help in innovative assessment, so it can be successfully used to solve modern problems in education.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “I advise all teachers: take care of the children's spark of inquisitiveness, curiosity, thirst for knowledge. The only source that feeds this spark is the joy of success in work, the feeling of pride of the worker. Reward each success, each overcoming of difficulties, with a well-deserved assessment, but do not abuse the assessments. Do not forget that the soil on which your pedagogical skill- in the child himself, his attitude to knowledge and to you, the teacher. It is the desire to learn, inspiration, readiness to overcome difficulties. Carefully enrich this soil, without it there is no school.

In Russia, in the context of modernizing the content of general education and developing new standards for general education, there is a wide discussion of the need to create new approaches to assessing the educational results of students.

The most important part of the new educational standards is the Fundamental Core of General Education, which contains the elements scientific knowledge and .



Development of a model of a system for assessing learning outcomes

In Russia, in the context of modernizing the content of general education and developing new standards for general education, there is a wide discussion of the need to create new approaches to assessing the educational results of students.

The most important part of the new educational standards is the Fundamental Core of General Education, which contains elements of scientific knowledge anduniversal learning activities.

In the documents on the introduction of new educational programs, an exemplary program for the formation of UUD has been created. The program spells out and structured the contribution of subjects to the formation and development of UUD.

As part of the main types of UUD, dictated by the goals of modern general education, there are four blocks: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative. It is assumed that a clear allocation of these types of activities will allow them to be given priority within specific subjects and the educational process as a whole. The development of the UUD system should be carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. Hence, the process of education and upbringing sets the content and characteristics of the student's learning activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of UUD.

Taking into account the accepted approach to the standard as a social contract implemented in the system of variative education,evaluation becomes one of the leading elements of the whole structure of the standard.

The results assessment system should include both internal assessments (of teachers) and external assessments that will be carried out during the assessment of students and accreditation of the educational institution. The orientation of the standard on the activity approach, on the formation of UUD turns the assessment system into the most important condition for the formation of the control and evaluation activities of students. The new assessment system includes checking the formation of such elements as the skills of reflection, introspection, self-control, self-assessment and involvement in the assessment process of self-assessment procedures. The emerging model for assessing the results of mastering educational programs involves the creation of such an assessment system, which would naturally turn out to be a “built-in universal system” in the educational process of the educational institution.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set requirements in the subject-activity form, as well as select an assessment algorithm that includes only actions and activities that can be recorded, measured and evaluated. And this means:

It is necessary to change the general approaches to teaching, i.e. to implement a competency-based approach (systemic innovation) in each educational institution;

Develop an assessment scale for each tested element or direction, regardless of the subject (systemic innovation);

Create conditions for external assessment and self-assessment of the results of the formation of UUD, by applying a transparent system of criteria and a valid assessment scale (systemic innovation);

Finally, modernize the student portfolio for active use as a document for assessing the formation of UUD for each student (there may be options).

It becomes clear that in order to achieve real results, it is necessary not only to realize teaching staff the need for innovative work to specify and refine the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education, but also understanding the global nature of the changes associated with the organization of the learning process.

It should be emphasized that assessment should not only be aimed at identifying shortcomings, it should become a mechanism that ensures the continuity of the process of improving the quality of education, should provide constructive feedback for all subjects of the educational process. Evaluation should not just sum up what has been achieved, it should become a starting point, followed by a new round of development, reaching new level the quality of education. And this is not so much about changing the means of assessment (although the tools and assessment procedures can also change), but about changing the goals of assessment and the philosophy of assessment.

How to organize the evaluation procedure

these requirements?

The new requirements for the results of education defined by the standard should be adequately reflected in the system for assessing the quality of education. The achievement of the planned results is subject to the design of the entire educational process.

The main criterion for the success of learning subjects is “readiness to solve educational, practical and educational and cognitive tasks (≠“ knowledge ”) based on a system of knowledge and ideas ...; generalized methods of activity, skills in educational, cognitive and practical activities; communication and information skills.

The school assessment system should perform at least the following functions:

To carry out informative and regulated feedback, giving the teacher information about whether or not he has achieved the set pedagogical goals, and the student - information about the implementation of the program, about how much he has moved forward, and in some cases - about his weaknesses, in order to so that he can pay special attention to it;

Provide positive motivation for learning and cognitive learners (In this regard, it is important to use assessment as a form of encouragement, not punishment, focusing more on progress and even minor successes of students, rather than on what they do not know or have not been able to achieve. Assessment should to orient the student towards success, and not serve as a means of sticking labels, including those associated with unrealistic expectations of inspectors).

Testing as one of the forms of assessment of achievements

students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, when building an assessment system, a tiered approach to assessing the educational achievements of students should be implemented.

In the main educational program for each section of the curriculum in general subjects and in interdisciplinary programs (the program for the formation of universal educational activities), two levels of planned results are indicated:the graduate will learn and the graduate can learn.

In connection with the above, it is important to separate the two basic types of assessment used in modern testology into external (summative, standardized) assessment and internal (formative) assessment.

The first type of assessment is called external because it is always performed by a subject who is not directly involved in the learning process, not included in the process of preparing for the ongoing testing, that is, external in relation to educational process. Also this way Evaluation involves comparing one student with another, but not by comparing the work of these students, but by comparing each work with a standard.

With this method of assessment, it is extremely important that all students are on an equal footing. To provide level playing field the developer of the test gives specific instructions on how to conduct the test and how to interpret the result.

Unification of test content is also an integral part of the test standardization process. It is a standardized test that provides the ability to compare the data obtained with its help from various test subjects. Ideally, the only independent variable in the test should be the subject's personality. In this case, we can talk about high degree the reliability of this test (test task).

The same type of assessment has a third name - summarizing, that is, summing up the results of training, a line under a certain stage of training. Summative assessment is focused on the entire population of students (class, parallel, all students of the country of a given age). It is designed to uniformly fix the level of achievements of the student based on the results of mastering the specific content of education. External evaluation is mainly done with the help of normatively oriented tests (scores received by the student are interpreted relative to the norm of appropriately justified statistically obtained values ​​for the performance of this test by a representative sample of subjects).

Internal (formative) assessment involves the assessment of students' achievements by the teacher who teaches them, that is, the person who is inside the learning process of the tested students. This method is aimed at determining the individual achievements of each student and does not imply, as a comparison of the results demonstrated by different students, strict requirements. to unification of the content, the procedure for conducting and methods, and administrative conclusions based on the results of the training of the subjects.

Accordingly, there are no interpretations of the results of internal evaluation. This reduces the reliability of the test, but increases its validity, as it makes it possible to evaluate the maximum number of outcome parameters in different situations and contexts. Formative this assessment It is called because it is focused on a particular student, designed to identify gaps in the student's mastery of the element of the content of education in order to fill them with maximum efficiency. The assessment itself is carried out in natural conditions for the student, in the classroom, where his lessons usually take place.

The student's rating (English rating, from to rate - to evaluate, rank) is an individual numerical indicator of the integral assessment of academic achievements, formed by adding the rating points obtained as a result of evaluating individual educational activities, if possible, taking into account the significance coefficient ("weight" coefficient) of these actions in achieving educational goals.

1. Orientation principle (a clear definition for students of goals and objectives

Works, ways to achieve them).

2. The principle of an integrated approach (the unity of educational, scientific and educational


3. The principle of motivation (the formation of students' needs for knowledge, in

Achievement of the goal, teaching, work).

Results from the personality of the teacher).

a set of knowledge and skills in all disciplines of the curriculum;

– social activity of the student.

The ultimate goal of rating technology is the formation of a student as a subject of educational, scientific activity, that is, the achievement of such a level of development of students when they are able to set the goal of their activities; when students can plan, adjust their actions, correlating the result with the goal. The student must become aware of himself as the subject of the educational process. Therefore, within the framework of the rating technology, subject-subject relations arise between the teacher and the student.

– building a system for comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational program;

– increasing the level of motivation of students in various fields of activity

– building individual educational programs;

- targeted training of the best applicants who meet the requirements of higher educational institutions.

Creative (formation of the creative potential of students);

Reflection (self-assessment of educational and personal achievements);

Stimulating (creation of conditions for the development of activity and


Diagnostic (obtaining information about the features of the educational


Correction (adjustment of the influence of innovations on the development of personality


– modular organization of the educational process,

– constant monitoring of the level of knowledge,

- multi-point assessment of students' learning.

- academic performance (reflects the level of educational achievements),

- Olympic (reflects participation in any intellectual, creative and

sports competitions)

- leadership (reflects the level of social competence, public

student activity)

– titles and certificates (fixes personal achievements in the field of foreign

Languages, arts, sciences and sports, confirmed by certificates).

(compared to traditional control technology):

– stimulation of systematic independent work;

- reducing the role of random factors in obtaining the final assessment for


- increasing the role of competitiveness in education;

- a clear differentiation of students in accordance with their success;

- quantitative characteristic of quality academic work;

- fixing the results of educational activities at all stages;

- taking into account the quality and timing of individual homework assignments;

– increasing learning motivation.

- in the growth of social activity of students;

– in recognizing the equivalence of various educational trajectories;

- focus on success;

- in increasing the adequacy of self-esteem;

– in strengthening the team spirit;

- awareness of life choices.

Cumulative (reference) score- a generalized indicator of the quality of education, characterized by the maximum possible amount of points that a student can accumulate as a result of studying all disciplines of the curriculum. It is developed on the basis of reference indicators for all studied disciplines. When compared with a normative (reference) indicator, it characterizes the degree of completeness of mastering the content of education.

rating scale - a unified rating scale, the principles of formation of which are common to all disciplines. The rating indicator received by the student as a percentage of the maximum possible score for the discipline is entered into the integral rating scale of the student. The scale contains information about its limit values ​​(maximum and minimum), about the ranges of the rating indicator, reflecting satisfactory, good, excellent and unsatisfactory results of learning and corresponding to the usual five-point grades, as well as its minimum limits under which a student is allowed to take an exam, test, etc. d.

Increasing coefficients of disciplines. Since the disciplines of the curriculum are unequal in terms of the importance of use, there is a system for determining the "weight" values ​​of the disciplines. In the future, the "weight" indicator of the discipline allows you to set its score in accordance with its significance according to the reference quality scale. The sum of the rating points should be determined using the appropriate "weight" coefficients for the most important disciplines.

Criteria for differentiation of educational subjects (in order to determine the multiplying factors):

1. The degree of assimilation of educational information (subjective division into "complex" and "simple" subjects);

2. Disciplines in terms of their importance in the future educational and professional activities of graduates.

Control and evaluation cycles. The rating system of discipline control is formed from a system of successive blocks, the so-called control and evaluation cycles. Each block is organized to control a "portion" of educational material or a "portion" of knowledge and skills, includes acts of control, verification, qualitative and quantitative assessment.

To control the “portion” of the learning content, the teacher performs the following procedures:

Provides true control various methods(testing, oral

Survey, written work, etc.);

Checks the performance of work, analyzes them and measures them in advance

Established criteria actual result;

Evaluates, that is, compares the result with the standard (indicators)

And determines the measure of compliance of the result with the standard;

Gives a mark.

Knowledge of the standard corresponds to the norm of points, previously established for the "portion" of the material. The mark may correspond to the norm or be below it. The resulting scores are added to the student's cumulative score. As points are accumulated, the student's current rating is determined - the student's place in the group according to the level of mastering the educational material. According to the rating, the level of achievements of the student is determined.

During the six months, there is a continuous increase in the cumulative indicator of the student and a change in his rating. It is the rating that is the criterion for organizing the self-correction of the teaching. At the end of the study of the discipline, the student's cumulative score for the discipline and his final rating, determined as a percentage of the maximum possible grade, are formed. Thus, the teacher brings the cumulative indicator to a unified scale. Tests, tests, etc. can be used as tasks - indicators of learning.

Point indicators for all types of rating are added up, forming an indicator of the final rating.

Portfolio as a means of evaluation

One of the means of individual cumulative assessment of a student's knowledge is a student's portfolio of achievements. Thanks to him, one can judge the educational, creative, communicative abilities of the student.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the individual achievements of a student in a certain period of his education. It is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education. This is a kind of report on the student's learning process, which allows you to see a picture of specific educational results, track individual progress in a broad educational context, and demonstrate his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills.

The portfolio is intended to systematize the accumulated experience, knowledge, to clearly define the directions of one's development (for example, in future profession), facilitate assistance or advice - from teachers or more qualified specialists in this field, as well as make a more objective assessment of their level (educational or professional). It can be collected for various purposes, therefore single definition this technology does not exist.

Portfolio features

· Diagnostic - captures changes and growth over a certain period


· Goal-setting – supports learning goals.

Motivational - encourages the results of students, teachers and


Developing - ensures the continuity of the learning process from

Year by year.

The philosophy of the educational portfolio suggests:

Shifting the emphasis from what the student does not know and cannot do to what he

Knows and is able on the given topic and given subject;

Integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments;

Transfer of pedagogical emphasis from teacher assessment to self-assessment


The main meaning of the portfolio is to give each student the opportunity to show everything that he is capable of, to create an incentive for growth for the student. The benefits of a portfolio are undeniable. This is a great tool for deepening and decorating. cognitive interests, development of intellectual reflective abilities of students, a comprehensive check of the level of assimilation of educational material, individualization and differentiation of training, the formation of achievement motivation, and, consequently, the creation of a situation of success. The purpose of the portfolio for pre-profile training is to act as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with the results of exams, determine the rating of graduates of the main school.

Depending on the purpose of creating a portfolio, there are different types.

The first type of portfolio is a "folder of achievements", aimed at increasing the student's self-worth, and reflecting his success (commendations for studies, achievements in sports, music, chess, etc.; letters of thanks to parents, report cards, badges, medals etc.).

The second type is a reflective portfolio that reveals the dynamics of the student's personal development, helping to track the effectiveness of his activities, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This folder collects all the control and creative work of the student that was done within a certain period, for example, a year (essays, presentations, essays, drawings, crafts, test papers, video cassettes, results of medical and psychological examinations, etc.).

The third type of portfolio is problematic research related to writing an abstract, scientific work, preparing for a presentation at a conference. It is a set of materials under certain headings (options for an abstract, report or article, list of references for study, problem areas, research plan, debatable points of view, statistics, citations, aphorisms, integration with other subject areas, research results, forecasts and prospects, and etc.) The collection and systematization of material in such portfolios helps students not only to adequately write any scientific work but also develops their cognitive interests.

The fourth type of portfolio is thematic, created in the process of studying any big topic, section, training course. Work on it is built as follows: the teacher first reports the name of the topic being studied, as well as the form of control on it - the protection of his portfolio, collected based on the results of work on this topic. At the very beginning, students are presented with tasks of different levels of complexity, reflecting different levels of thinking and cognition.

For pre-profile training, another classification of portfolio types has been developed. It is assumed that the student's portfolio of achievements will consist of three sections: "portfolio of documents", "portfolio of work", "portfolio of reviews".

The portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) individual educational achievements - documents on participation in olympiads, competitions and other events (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, inserts in the certificate, etc.). This makes it possible to both quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate portfolio materials.

A portfolio of work is a collection of creative, research and design work student, description of the main forms and directions of his educational and creative activity. A portfolio of works is drawn up in the form of a creative book with the application of the works themselves (texts, paper or electronic documents, video recordings, etc.). This part of the student's portfolio gives a qualitative assessment according to the specified parameters (completeness, diversity, persuasiveness of materials, focus on the chosen profile of education, dynamics of educational and creative activity, orientation of interests, nature of pre-profile training).

Portfolio of reviews - these are characteristics of the student's attitude to various types of activities, presented by teachers, parents, etc., as well as a written analysis of the student's attitude to his activities and its results (texts of conclusions, reviews, reviews, resumes, letters of recommendation, etc.). This part of the portfolio makes it possible to include the mechanisms of student self-assessment, which increases the degree of awareness of the processes associated with learning and choosing a profile direction.

The teacher needs to remember that the portfolio is created by students to assess their progress. The teacher only helps them organize this process and evaluate their achievements. Therefore, the motivation of students at the beginning of creation and in the process of working on a portfolio should be high. To increase the level of motivation, it is necessary that both the teacher and the students creatively approach the process.

Portfolio assessment is carried out by students together with the teacher approximately once a quarter. In order for students to develop self-assessment and reflection skills during the assessment, as well as to save the teacher's time, each student should do preparatory work before the portfolio assessment lesson. In the course of it, the student once again looks at the goals and objectives set and selects material that indicates the achievement of the goals set or work in this direction. You can arrange the material in the appropriate order or make bookmarks in your notebook. Most effective method- a written analysis of achievements in accordance with the set goals, with the application of working materials, it is necessary to offer it for the work of students.

An example of student portfolio assessment criteria developed by E.V. Lebedev

1. Internal assessment (self-assessment) of the portfolio includes groups of criteria:

Self-organization (take a responsible approach to business, bring what has been started to the end,

Choose the optimal structure and content for presenting yourself),

professional orientation,

- training (do the portfolio materials help in the learning process, usefulness

Skills acquired in the learning process, self-assessment of the acquired knowledge and




2. External evaluation includes the following groups of criteria:

Assessment of the quality of portfolio design,

Portfolio structure assessment,

Evaluation of the level of educational activities based on portfolio materials.

Portfolio evaluation can be entered in a special evaluation sheet.

An analysis of the evaluation criteria for UUD and the algorithm of evaluation systems made it possible to assume that such an active learning technology as project method of different didactic orientation can become the basis of the meta-method for the formation of UUD in accordance with the stated goals and objectives. It is known that designing refers to active forms of learning and the algorithm of preparation and the structure of the project perfectly meets the modern tasks of teaching and educating schoolchildren, however, in a single system educational space schools are rarely used.

In the system of school education, a certain typology of projects was adopted, classified by E.S. Polat on the dominant activity of students (practice-oriented, research, information, creative, role-playing projects), which determines the result project activities(solution of a socially significant problem, experiment, publication, work of arts and crafts, scenario of some action, games, etc.). Application of school curricula and creative projects, research projects in the system can lead to results that can be adequately assessed by developing a transparent single criteria base. Moreover, a feature of each project should befinal material product(presentation on the topic, exhibition, competition, wall newspaper, essay, portfolio, message, etc.) or action (musical, theatrical performance, etc.), which are evaluated by independent experts of various levels.

Thus, the tasks of innovative research can be:

- development of a single algorithm for constructing a project in accordance with the stated

Tasks for the formation of UUD;

Planning as an expected result that can be

Evaluate by external assessment or self-assessment by the student himself;

Development of a universal criteria base for project evaluation.

Design technology allows you to combine classroom and lesson extracurricular activities students in a single system to achieve the goal. At the same time, external and internal forms of control acquire new content, making them transparent, reliable and multifunctional.

Thus, we can say that the above basic types assessments are aimed at solving two different learning objectives: external (summative) assessment is used to assess the level of achievement of learning outcomes, while internal (formative) assessment is used to activate and optimize the learning process of a given student.

The principles of building a system for assessing the achievement of planned results in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Orientation to the activity approach: main criterion the success of learning subjects - not knowledge "in its pure form", but "readiness to solve educational, practical and educational and cognitive tasks"

Inclusion in the assessment activities of the students themselves, acquiring the skills of self-assessment and mutual assessment provided for by the standard

Criteria-based assessment (= fixing clear and traceable criteria for the achievement of each of the planned results during the assessment procedures)

Evaluation, along with the final (final) results, of the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students → the need to use cumulative assessment (for example, using a portfolio of educational achievements;

A variety of forms of assessment, the choice of which is determined by the stage of learning, general and special learning objectives, current learning objectives, the purpose of obtaining information (including a combination of standardized and non-standardized (observations, oral answers, project activities and other forms of assessment)

The assessment should be focused not only on determining the level of assimilation by students of a single content of education for all, but also on the depth and scope of their individual knowledge, readiness to use them, mastery of special and universal ways activities, degree and nature of personal efforts of students. The orientation of the school towards the formation of key competencies should be accompanied by a change not only in the strategy and technologies of education, but also in the methods (technologies) for assessing the educational results of students.

So, today it is relevant to develop such an approach to assessing the educational results of students, which would allow:

Eliminate conflicts between evaluation functions and the existing evaluation system;

Associate the assessment with the individual increment of educational results (knowledge, skills, competencies, etc.) of the student and create conditions in which the student gains experience in planning and implementing the process of his own learning;

To put into practice the evaluation of new results of education.

The actualization of the problem of evaluation and assessment of learning outcomes is associated in recent years with the introduction of the Federal State educational standard at the level of primary and secondary schools (FSES of the second generation). However, it should be noted that the Russian school in the last decade has achieved some success in implementing new approaches to assessing learning outcomes through the implementation of the ideas of the competency-based approach in school practice. They expanded the scope of assessment procedures, and in connection with the introduction of a new format for final certification at all levels of the school, new conditions arose for its differentiation

Nevertheless, the fact should be clearly stated: the five-point system in the form in which it exists today contradicts the requirements for the grading system required by the Standard.

Firstly, the mark in the public school is still set for a lesson, for an exercise, independent work, oral answer, etc., and not for the result of the activity achieved by the student, in other words, there is no practice of using a criteria-based approach to assessing the results of activities. In addition, with such an assessment system, the student practically does not realize for the lack of what knowledge, skill, and competence he actually received a mark.

Secondly, in mass school practice there is no experience in determining and evaluating the dynamics and levels of formation of universal educational activities.

Thirdly, the characteristics of a digital mark can only take into account the subject level of results, and to evaluate meta-subject and personal results, other forms of its expression are needed.

Fourth, the five-point system does not correlate with the three-level approach to assessment. different groups the results presented in the Standards as necessary condition their compliance. In addition, the mark is set by the teacher, who still does not have clearly developed criteria for evaluating the results of students' performance.

It is worth noting that in professional community The issue of introducing a more fractional system of school marks has been discussed for a long time.

In my opinion, within the competence-based approach, in which project activity becomes one of the leading forms of learning, a 10-point assessment scale can be successfully applied.

Firstly, the assessment of the results of schoolchildren's activities within the framework of project activities, subject to the application of such a scale, will be more objective, and secondly, before the "official" change in the accepted rating scale, a ten-point scale that evaluates the results of a student's activities, for example, within the framework of a project, can quite gently transform the marks “for the magazine” into the “norm”.

Innovative potential for the development of the education of the latter three years, the need for independent development by each educational institution beginning the implementation of the Standards, the main educational program, which includes the mandatory section "The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education", may become an impetus for the development of new criteria for evaluating the results of schoolchildren's activities, including project activities.

First of all, the result must be clear to others. Each result should be written in a simple and plain language, indicating what the student should be able to do - even a person unfamiliar with this area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge and skills should understand what is required of students.

AT new school there should be an approach to evaluating the results of schoolchildren's performance that is adequate to the ideas of developmental education, and the implementation of the ideas of a competency-based approach, the development of new criteria for evaluating the results of schoolchildren's performance should have a pronounced focus on the development of relevant competencies and self-assessment skills.


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