Nir undergraduates. Report on the research work of the undergraduate

Completing the master's program, the student is required to undergo research practice. This is an opportunity to consolidate all the knowledge accumulated in theory and develop practical skills in their application, which are so necessary in future profession. Based on the results of his activities, the student draws up a report and submits to his curator.

Scientific research practice (R&D) of undergraduates

Internship for undergraduates is a mandatory step educational process in any direction - economics, law, pedagogy, etc. Every master student must pass it at the end of the academic semester. The scope and schedule of the R&D is agreed with the supervisor. The undergraduate also coordinates the place for his temporary work with the educational department.

Goals and objectives of research

The purpose of the practice can be called the systematization of the theoretical base accumulated during the period of study, as well as the formation of skills for conducting scientific research by setting and solving problems on the topic of the dissertation.

The main task of the student's research work (RW) is to gain experience in the study of the problem posed, the selection of analytical materials for writing the final work.

During the research work, the student studies:

  • information sources on the topic of his dissertation research;
  • methods of modeling, data collection;
  • modern software products;
  • rules for the preparation of scientific and technical reports.

Based on the results of research work, a master student must finally formulate the topic of his dissertation, prove the relevance and practical value of this topic, develop a program for its study and independently implement scientific research.

Place and features of the research practice

Research practice can be carried out on the basis of an organization of any field of activity and form of ownership, an institution of a higher education system, in a state or municipal government.

Research practice for a master student consists of the following steps:

  1. Preliminary stage (preparation of work plan)
  2. Main research stage
  3. Compilation of a report

Attestation of a master student based on the results of his work is carried out on the basis of the defense of the submitted report.

To organize R&D it is necessary:

  1. Choose a place for future practice, coordinating it with the head;
  2. Conclude an agreement between the chosen base of practice and the university;
  3. When directing students to practice, the curator of masters organizes a meeting at the department of the university and provides students with an internship program, diary, referral, individual assignment and other necessary documents.

Head of research from the university:

  • helps to write an individual plan for the student;
  • studies and evaluates the analytical materials collected during the work and the diary;
  • carries out general management of the research process.

For the entire period of practice, the organization provides the undergraduate workplace. The head of practice from the organization is responsible for the current management of the research work (R&D) of the student.

ATits tasks include:

  • drawing up a plan for the implementation of the program together with the undergraduate;
  • monitoring the activities of the student and providing him with assistance if necessary;
  • monitoring the progress of the program;
  • verification of analytical materials selected in the course of research work;
  • writing a review (characteristics);
  • assistance in reporting.

During the period of practice, the student's work should be organized based on the logic of work on a master's thesis. In accordance with the chosen topic, a research program is drawn up. Undergraduates are required to regularly make entries in their diaries about all stages of the work being done. Upon completion research activities it is required to write a report on the undergraduate research practice and submit a finished report to the head of the department of your university.

Research Practice Report

All materials and diary entries collected as a result of practice are systematized and analyzed. Based on them, the undergraduate must make a report, which is submitted to the supervisor for verification within the time frame established by the curriculum. The last step is to defend the report in front of your leader and the commission. Based on the results of the defense, an assessment is made and admission to the next semester is issued.

The practice is evaluated on the basis of reporting documentation compiled by the undergraduate and his defense. It includes: a ready-made report on the internship and a diary.

R&D report structure

The practice report contains 25 - 30 pages and should have the following structure:

1. Title page.

2. Introduction, including:

2.1. Purpose of research, place and period of its passage.

2.2. List of completed tasks.

3. The main part.

4. Conclusion, including:

4.1. Description of acquired practical skills.

4.2. Individual conclusions about the value of the study.

5. List of sources.

6. Applications.

Also, the main content of the R&D report includes:

  • scroll bibliographic sources on the topic of the dissertation;
  • review of existing scientific schools on the research topic. Usually arranged in the form of a table;
  • a review of a scientific publication relevant to the topic;
  • the results of the development of the theoretical basis of scientific research on their topic and an abstract review (relevance, degree of development of the direction in various studies, general characteristics of the subject, goals and objectives of their own scientific research, etc.). If the results of the research were presented by the undergraduate at conferences or articles were published in journals, then their copies are attached to the report.

The main evaluation criteria for the report are:

  • the logic and structure of the presentation of the research material, the completeness of the disclosure of the topic, goals and objectives of the study;
  • creativity generalization and analysis of data using the latest scientific methods;
  • the skills of a clear and consistent presentation of the material, the presentation of the results of their work, the skills of mastering modern research methods, the selection of demonstration materials;

The final grade depends on the correctness of writing the report, so it is worth considering its preparation with due attention. You can even contact your supervisor and ask for an example of a research report. research practice undergraduate. Such an example will help to avoid errors in the preparation and execution of the document, and hence the need to redo the work.

The passage of research practice is an important step in preparing for writing a master's thesis. On the basis of the data obtained, a well-written report and entries in the diary of the trainee, the final work is further formed.


1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education "Ukhta State Technical University" (USTU) MASTER'S RESEARCH WORK Guidelines Ukhta, USTU, 2013

2 UDC 005: (075.8) BBK ya7 + 72ya7 K 80 K 80 Krestovskikh, T. S. Nauchno- research work master [Text]: method. instructions / T. S. Krestovskikh. Ukhta: USTU, p. Methodical instructions are intended for students of the direction Management. The guidelines contain general requirements and the procedure for conducting research work by masters in the direction of Management. The content of the instructions corresponds to the working curriculum. UDC 005: (075.8) BBK ya7+72ya7 Guidelines reviewed and approved by the meeting of the Department of Management, pr. 09. Reviewer: AP Radkevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Management USTU. Editor: Yu. A. Saprykina. Technical editor: K. V. Koptyaeva. The guidelines take into account the suggestions of the reviewer and the editor. Plan 2013, position 291. Signed for printing Computer typesetting. Volume 24 s. Circulation 100 copies. Order 280. Ukhta State Technical University, Komi Republic, Ukhta, st. Pervomaiskaya, 13. Printing house USTU, Republic of Komi, Ukhta, st. Oktyabrskaya, 13.

3 Table of contents Introduction Purpose and objectives of the research work Content of the research work in the semester Management of the research work Requirements for the structure and rules for the design of the R&D report Control of the research work Educational and methodological support of the research work

4 4 INTRODUCTION Research work is an obligatory section of the main educational program of the master's and constituent element preparation of undergraduates for the implementation of a master's thesis in the direction of master's training "Management", reflecting the content of the specialized master's program "Production Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex" qualification master. Research work provides for students to master research activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Management". In the course of master's training, undergraduates participate in research work during: - the first year of theoretical training in the second semester; - the second year of theoretical studies in the first and second semesters.

5 5 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK scientific research as part of a creative team. Research work is considered as essential part systems for training highly qualified specialists capable of searching the best options solution of socio-economic problems. The tasks of the research work in the semester are to give the skills to perform research work and develop the skills: to conduct bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies; to formulate and solve problems that arise in the course of carrying out research work; choose the necessary methods (modify existing ones, develop new methods), based on the specific tasks (on the topic of a master's thesis or when performing tasks of a supervisor in the framework of an (author's) master's program); apply modern information technologies in scientific research; process the results obtained, analyze and present them in the form of completed research developments (research report, abstracts, scientific articles, term paper, master's thesis); formalize the results of the work done in accordance with the requirements of GOST “Research report. Structure and rules of registration” (Date of introduction) and other regulatory documents with the involvement of modern means editing and printing; to give other skills and abilities necessary for a master's student of this direction, studying in a specific master's program. The main tasks are aimed at the formation of the following competencies: the ability to independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills (OK-3); possess the skills of public business and scientific communications (OK-6); ability to use quantitative and qualitative methods for scientific research and business process management (PC-5);

6 6 knowledge of methods of economic analysis of behavior economic agents and markets in global environment(PC-6); possession of methods of strategic analysis (PC-7); the ability to prepare analytical materials for managing business processes and evaluating their effectiveness (PC-8); - the ability to generalize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers; identify and formulate actual scientific problems (PC-9); - the ability to substantiate the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the chosen scientific topic (PC-10); - the ability to conduct independent in accordance with the developed program (PC-11); - the ability to present the results of what has been done in the form of a scientific report, article or report (PC-12).

7 7 2. CONTENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK IN THE SEMESTER The content of the undergraduate research work corresponds to the federal state educational standard of higher professional education. The main principles of the organization of research work in the semester (determining their features) are: consistency, practicality, complexity, interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary, program and project approaches. Consistency. Research activity represents the co-organization of three types of work: research R&D proper (aimed at describing complex systems and objects of activity), design and analytical work of the PAR (aimed at transformation and changes in activity systems) and R&D development (aimed at developing technologies that change the existing organization of activity systems). These types of work are interrelated with each other and together provide a complete design and research cycle of work. Practicality. All types of work (R&D, R&D, PAR) are carried out to solve a specific problem, they must have a specific product that can be used in a specific activity. All works, regardless of the specific subject matter, are focused either on the study of management and organization processes in a certain field of activity (for which a master's degree is being prepared), or on the development of technologies for training specialists and managers for a certain field of activity. Complexity, interdisciplinarity, intersubjectivity. The strategy of scientific search assumes that in order to solve a certain problem, the framework of a separate scientific subject, group of specialties or branches of science often act as a limitation, either narrowing the problem itself or blocking the possibility of solving it. Program approach. The function of managing all types of work is performed by the educational program, which includes research, design and development work aimed at the formation of an innovative educational institution, the development of new content and forms of organization of vocational education. Project approach. Research work is initiated and planned as the most important type of work that ensures the implementation of projects as

8 8 internal and external. At the same time, all projects must have appropriate research support (both projects for organizing and transforming the processes of preparing masters, as well as external consulting and development projects). The tasks and type of the project determine the composition of the team for their implementation and the topics of research work supporting and providing the project. Research work is carried out in the form research project carried out by the master within the framework of the approved scientific topic in the direction of study and the topic of the master's thesis, taking into account the interests and possibilities of the future practical work undergraduate. The theme of the research project can be defined as an independent part of the research work carried out within the framework of the scientific direction of the Department of Management. The content of the work is determined by the leaders of master's programs on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and is reflected in the individual assignment for research work. Scientific research work is carried out in the following forms: fulfillment of the tasks of the supervisor in accordance with the approved plan of scientific research work; participation in inter-departmental (in the direction of training masters "Management") seminars, theoretical seminars (on the topic), as well as in the scientific work of the department; presentation at conferences of young scientists held at USTU, in other universities, as well as participation in other scientific conferences; preparation and publication of abstracts of reports, scientific articles; preparation and defense of a scientific report in the direction of ongoing scientific research, including using presentation tools; participation in research projects carried out at the Department of Management within the framework of research programs, preparation and defense of a master's thesis.

9 9 The content of research work in the semester Name of work Collection of material for the preparation of a master's thesis Preparation of an abstract with a review of new scientific results Preparation and holding of a seminar on topics at the Department of Management international conference conducted by USTU "Severgeoekotekh" Participation in city, regional and federal scientific conferences Participation in research and development competitions, which are held annually at the university, other universities, regions and at the federal level Research content Analysis and systematization of knowledge on the chosen subject 1. Understanding the object and subject. 2. Formation of goals, objectives and hypotheses Clarification of goals and objectives, concretization of the methodology Writing an article on the subject Writing an article on the subject Writing an article on the subject Search-transforming (corrective) work: 1) theoretical and methodological part, the concept on the basis of which the whole methodology is built ; 2) the studied phenomena, processes, signs, parameters; 3) subordinate ties and dependencies between them; 4) a set of applied methods, their coordination; 5) procedure, application of methods and methodological techniques; 6) the sequence and technique of processing and summarizing the results Results of the work 1. List of the studied literature. 2. Definition of the problem. 3. Definition of the topic (direction) Delivery of the abstract 1. Development of the methodology. 2. Trial (pilot) research Article Article Article report Research report Research report Research report

10 10 Name of work Preparation and defense of a scientific report on the subject Content of work Writing a report on research according to the requirements. Obtaining preliminary theoretical and practical implications. These conclusions should be: 1) comprehensively reasoned and summarizing the main results of what has been done; 2) expedient and lawful; 3) follow from the accumulated material, being a logical consequence of its analysis and generalization Results of the work Defense of the research report Research work in the 1st year involves the following activities: choosing the topic of the dissertation and approving the schedule for working on the dissertation, indicating the main activities and the timing of their implementation ; setting the initial goals and objectives of the dissertation; definition of the intended object and subject. choice of base; selection and study of the main literary sources that will be used as a theoretical basis. registration of a preliminary review of literary sources on the topic of the dissertation, which will be based on current research publications, and contain an analysis of the main results and provisions obtained by leading experts in the field of research. The literature review can be based on sources that reveal theoretical aspects the issue under study, primarily scientific monographs and articles scientific journals. In addition, the undergraduate presents the results of research at the scientific and methodological seminar of the department. Research work in the second year involves activities to assess the applicability of these developments within the framework of the dissertation, as well as the proposed personal contribution author in the development of the topic. The result of the research work of the II course will be the collection of factual material for the dissertation work, including the development of a methodology for collecting data, methods for processing the results, assessing their reliability and sufficiency to complete the work on the dissertation, as well as presenting the research results at the scientific and methodological seminar of the department. Based on the results of the research work, the student provides the department with:

11 list of bibliographic descriptions on the topic of master's thesis; 11 written report in the form of the first version of the master's thesis; the text of the prepared article (report) on the topic of the dissertation. The research report, endorsed by the supervisor, is submitted to the head of the master's program.

12 12 3. MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK The general management of the work is carried out by the Department of Management, the organization and management of the work of undergraduates is directly provided by the head of the undergraduate, the supervisor of the master's program. If necessary, highly qualified specialists are involved in consultations who are systematically engaged in research and (or) scientific and methodological activities or other professional activities that correspond to the profile of training of a particular undergraduate and are the Supervisor during the scientific undergraduate: coordinates the research program and the topic of the research project with the scientific head of the master's program; gives recommendations on the study of special literature and the choice of methods; performs task assignment independent work students during the period of practice with the issuance of an individual assignment for the collection necessary materials for writing a master's thesis; carries out the necessary organizational measures for the implementation of the research program; determines the general scheme of implementation, the schedule for conducting research, the mode of work of the student and systematically monitors the progress scientific work students; assists students on all issues related to the conduct of scientific work and the preparation of a report; participates in the work of the commission for the defense of the research report. Undergraduate when conducting research work: conducts research on an approved topic in accordance with the research schedule and the work schedule of the unit of the place of internship; receives instructions, recommendations and clarifications from the supervisor on all issues related to the organization and completion of research; reports on the work performed in accordance with the established schedule.

13 13 4. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STRUCTURE AND RULES FOR ISSUING A R&D REPORT General requirements to the structure and design rules scientific reports, including the preparation of a report on research of a won grant or the preparation of a master's thesis, are established by the Interstate Standard (GOST) System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. The structural elements of the research report are the title page, abstract, content (introduction, main body, conclusion), list of sources used, applications. The introduction gives an estimate state of the art the solved scientific need for research, information about the relevance and novelty of the topic, the connection of this work with other research works, as well as the goals and objectives and the results obtained. The main part of the report contains data reflecting the essence, methodology and main results of the research carried out. The main part should contain: a) the choice of the direction of research, including the rationale for the direction, methods for solving problems and their comparative assessment, a description of the chosen general methodology for conducting research; b) the process of theoretical and (or) experimental research, including the determination of the nature and content theoretical research, research methods, calculation methods, justification for the need for experimental work, the principles of operation of the developed objects, their characteristics; c) generalization and evaluation of research results, including an assessment of the completeness of the solution of the task and proposals for further areas of work, an assessment of the reliability of the results obtained and their comparison with similar results of domestic and foreign studies, justification for the need for additional research, negative results leading to the need to stop further research research. The conclusion should contain: brief conclusions on the results of the implementation of research or its individual stages; assessment of the completeness of solutions to the tasks; development of recommendations and baseline data on the specific use of research results; evaluation of the economic efficiency of the implementation of research results. It is recommended to include in the application materials that are inappropriate to be included in the main part.

14 14 5. CONTROL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK The form of control of research work is the presentation (report) of the results of research at the scientific seminar of the Department of Management. In the process of performing research work and in the course of defending its results, a discussion is held with the involvement of leading researchers, which makes it possible to assess the level of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies of students.

15 15 6. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK Main literature 1. Kukushkina, VV Organization of research work of students (masters): textbook. allowance / V. V. Kukushkina. M. : INFRA-M, p. 2. Pastukhova, I. P. Fundamentals of educational and research activities of students: teaching aid/ I. P. Pastukhova, N. V. Tarasova. M. : Academy, p. 3. Petrova, S. A. Fundamentals of research activities: textbook. allowance / S. A. Petrova, I. A. Yasinskaya. M. : Forum, p. Additional literature 1. Kuzin, F. A. Thesis: writing methodology, design rules, defense procedure: pract. manual for doctoral students, graduate students and undergraduates. M. : Os-89, p. 2. Kuznetsov, I. N. Scientific research: methodology and design. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M. : Dashkov i K, p. 3. Fundamentals of scientific research / B. I. Gerasimov [and others]. M. : FORUM, p. 4. Tsvetkov, A. N. Methods for solving creative problems in management: educational and practical guide / A. N. Tsvetkov, V. E. Zaremba. M. : Knorus, p. 5. Chernyshov, E. A. Fundamentals of engineering creativity in graduate design and master's theses: textbook. allowance / E. A. Chernyshov. M. : graduate School, p.: ill. 6. Shklyar, M. F. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook. allowance / M. F. Shklyar. 2nd ed. M. : Dashkov i K, p.


1. Regulatory support 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with normative documents: - Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On education in the Russian

The structure of the practice includes the following sections: 1. Choice of research work problem. 2. Search for sources necessary information and setting deadlines for obtaining each type of information. 3.

Regulations on the research work of undergraduates of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University This Regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State Pedagogical

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University" Branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban

2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, federal state educational standards of higher

B2 BLOCK 2 PRACTICE Variable part B2.1 PRODUCTION (PEDAGOGICAL) The purpose of pedagogical practice is to prepare a graduate student for teaching activities on educational programs higher education,

Master's programs are fixed in the individual curricula of undergraduates. 1.5. The content of the research work of the undergraduate is determined in accordance with the master's program,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Programs of practices and research work When implementing this OBEP HE, the following types of practices are provided: - educational - industrial; - technological - undergraduate; - scientific and production;

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ukhta State Technical University" (USTU)

The program of research work of undergraduates of the direction of preparation 15.04.02 "Technological machines and equipment" / comp. A.N. Zaiin, 2015. 17 s The program is designed to organize and conduct

Annotations to the work programs of the OPOP practices "13.00.01 General Pedagogy and the History of Pedagogy and Education" in the direction of training 44.06.01 Education and Pedagogical Sciences B2.1 PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Pyatigorsk State Linguistic

1 Contents Introduction. 3 1 General provisions 4 2 The purpose and objectives of the research work of the undergraduate ... 5 3 The content of the research work of the undergraduate .. 8 4 Deadlines and main

Annotation BEP The main educational program for the preparation of masters in the direction 38.04.02 "Management" "Human Resource Management" 1) Qualification characteristics of the graduate of the program 1.1.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute

1 General provisions 1.1 This regulation on the research seminar in the educational program of the magistracy (hereinafter referred to as the provision) determines the goals and objectives, the organization procedure, content and main

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" Law Institute academic work TSU 2012


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Privolzhsky)" federal university"Master's Center

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "OMSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY" PROGRAM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PRACTICE

Practice programs and research work

1. The objectives of mastering the discipline In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the master in the direction 080400 Human Resource Management must be prepared to solve professional problems in accordance with the professional orientation

1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on research work (RW) of master students of the FSBEI HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” is a local act of the University.

Compiled by: Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Meshkov Reviewer: Slepenkova E.V., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Logistics G.V. Plekhanov" Sazanovich A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow

1 Reviewer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. cafe World economy Bayborodin B.A. Beregova G.M., Gedich T.G., Milova Yu.Yu. Program and guidelines for the passage of research practice for

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region Yugra "SURGUT STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY" FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND

Department of Education of the City of Moscow State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University» Law Institute of the International

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FSBEI HPE "PERM STATE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY" Department of World Economy and economic theory Authors-compilers: Mirolyubova Tatyana

1. PURPOSE AND TASKS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. The objectives of mastering the discipline are: Research work allows you to gain experience in the development of conceptual problems technical science, including methods

Take social and ethical responsibility for decisions made(OK-2); readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3). General professional competencies (GPC):

B2.U.1. Educational practice in primary and skills Number of weeks/ze - 4/6 B2.N.1. Research work Number of weeks/se - 20/30, credit (with assessment) - OK-3 - Readiness for self-development, self-realization,


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "IRKUTSK STATE UNIVERSITY" FGBOU

4.4. The organization of research work and practices of the master's research work of students is an obligatory section of the main professional educational program of the master's program. It aims to form

Contents of the document 1. General provisions ... 3 2. Graduation qualifying work to obtain a bachelor's degree ... 4 3. Final qualifying work for obtaining the qualification "specialist" ... 6

The practice is aimed at developing the following competencies: readiness to act in non-standard situations, bear social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made (OK-2); readiness for self-development,

Table of contents Table of contents... 2 1. General provisions... 3 2. Characteristics of the professional activity of a graduate of the Master's program "Management"... 5

Direction of training Orientation (profile) OPOP Qualification (degree) Form of study 38.04.02 Management Business security audit master full-time Practice programs and organization of research

Annotations to the work programs of the practices of the OPOP "Management of organizations" in the direction of training 38.04.02 Management Name of Competence B.2. P.1. Educational practice, practice for obtaining primary professional

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin"


2 1. Goals and objectives of scientific research practice

3 1. General information about scientific research Type of practice, R&D: production. Type of practice, research work: research work. Method of conducting practice, research work: full-time education - stationary, in absentia learning

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The main educational program of higher professional education of the master's program, implemented by the university in the direction of training 080200.68 "Management" (hereinafter BEP HPE)

Master's degree Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service RESEARCH PRACTICE PROGRAM Working

Department of Creative and Innovative Management and Law political administration in a multicultural environment (with knowledge of foreign

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FGBOUVO "Tver State University" Faculty of Biology Working programm by discipline Scientific research

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "South Ural State University"

Theoretical training; mastering professional and practical skills and production skills of the legal profession; mastering the methodology and tactics for solving professional problems of implementation

federal agency scientific organizations Federal state state-financed organization Sciences Institute of Problems of Integrated Development of Subsoil Russian Academy SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROGRAM

Non-state autonomous non-profit organization higher education INSTITUTE OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS (NANO VO "IMC") ADOPTED At the meeting of the Academic Council of NANO VO "IMC" Protocol 2016 APPROVED by the Rector


Annotation of the training program (for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities) The purpose of the training The place of the training in the curriculum of the training Stages Learning Goal Place in the curriculum Acquisition by undergraduates


Use new knowledge and skills in practice, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of GPC-1 ability to use knowledge of fundamental sciences in


General provisions Production (pre-diploma) practice of students of the magistracy of YI ISU (hereinafter referred to as students) is integral part the main educational program in accordance with the federal

3 1. General information about scientific research Type of practice, R&D: production. Type of practice, research work: research work. Method of conducting practice, research: stationary. internship, R&D: discrete by periods



Novosibirsk city

Faculty of Law

Area of ​​study 40.04.01 Jurisprudence

Master's program (profile) Legal support state and municipal service

Graduating Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law


scientific adviser

Master's program

Doctor of Law, Professor

"____" _______________2016


(full name of the student)

For 1.2 semester 2015/16 academic year

Scientific Supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law

Section Completion Report individual plan per semester

1. The direction of research has been chosen, a supervisor has been appointed, the topic of the master's thesis has been formulated and substantiated (see Appendix No. 1).

2. A master's thesis plan was drawn up (see Appendix No. 2).

3. An analysis of the sources was carried out, a list was compiled (see Appendix No. 3).

4. The introduction of the master's thesis has been prepared (see Appendix No. 4).

5. Participation in the student scientific-practical conference. (see Appendix No. 5)

The following types of research work have been prepared:

publication based on the results of the research - an article (abstracts) on the topic "Sources of legal regulation of the status of a deputy of a representative body on the materials of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra" in a journal (collection) Science community students of the XXI century. Social Sciences No. 6 (42). Novosibirsk 2016.

Master's student ___________________________ "" _______ 2016


Supervisor __________________ « »________ 2016 (signature)

Attachment 1

Thesis topic: The legal status of a deputy of the representative body of the municipality on the materials of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that state development in the modern world, when a democratic federal law-based state is being built, presupposes the existence of an effectively functioning system of local self-government.

Local self-government in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is one of the constitutional forms of the exercise of power, considered simultaneously as social management and a democratic way of social management of society. The main feature of this institution of power is the real self-organization and self-responsibility of the population in solving issues of local importance.

The body of the municipality plays the most important system-forming role in the system of local self-government. Therefore, they highlight the issues of constitutional and legal regulation of the status of representative.

Annex 2


1 Theoretical and legal foundations legal status deputy of the local government

1.1 The concept of the legal status of a deputy of the representative body of the municipality

1.2 Regulatory legal regulation status of a deputy of a municipal body

1.3 Organizational and legal models for the election of a deputy of a municipal body

2. Constitutional and legal content of the legal status of a deputy of a municipality

2.1 Acquisition of the status of a deputy of a municipal body

2.2 Powers of a deputy of a municipal body

2.3 Deputy mandate and guarantees of a deputy of a municipal body

3. Problems of legal regulation and improvement of the status of a deputy of the representative body of the municipality

3.1 Problems of applying the institute of recall in the system of municipal democracy

3.2 Trends in the development of legislation in the field of regulating the status of a deputy of a representative body of a municipality

3.3 Improving the legal status of a deputy of the representative body of the municipality


List of sources used

Appendix 3

Bibliographic list

(adopted at the popular vote in 1993) // " Russian newspaper” dated 01.01.01 Federal Law of 05.08.1994 (as amended on 01.01.2001) “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation". // SZ RF dated 01.01.2001, No. 28, art. 3466. Federal law -FZ "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2003) // SZ RF, 06.10.2003, No. 131, art. 6. Federal Law of 01.01.2001 N 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 01.21.2009) // СЗ RF, 02.16.2009, N7, art. 776. Federal Law of 01.01.2001 N 25-FZ (as amended on 17.07:2009) “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 07.02.2007) // СЗ RF of 2007, N 10 Art. 1152. Federal Law No. 131-F3 of January 1, 2001 (as amended on January 1, 2001) “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2003) // SZ RF, 06.10.2003, N 40, art. 3822. Federal Law of 01/01/2001 N 67-FZ (as amended on 01/01/2001) "On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 05/22/2002) // SZ RF, 06/17/2002, N 24, art. 2253. Charter of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated 01.01.2001 Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra No. 98-oz dated 01.01.01 "On the orders of voters to the deputies of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra". Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 01.01.01 N 76-oz "On the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra". Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 3rd year No. 19-oz "On the Status of a Deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra". Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 01.01.01 N 34-oz "On elections of deputies of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 01.01.01 N 97-oz" On the State Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra". Judicial Practice Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 2002. Scientific and Actual Problems of Constitutional and Municipal Law: Collection scientific papers/ Ros. legal acad. Ministry of Justice Ros. Federations; [res. ed.:]. - M.: RPA, 2012. - 89 p. Alekseev law of Russia: textbook /,. – M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2012. – 267 p. Aleshkova - legal foundations of municipal lawmaking in the Russian Federation / ; Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation, Ural. state legal acad. - Yekaterinburg: UrGUA, 2012 - 256 p. Barsukov development of the state and in modern Russia/ , and etc.; ed. , . - Stavropol: the world of data, 2011. - 190 p. Borisov of the law-making process in the municipalities of the Russian Federation /,; Ros. acad. nar. households and state. service under the President of the Russian Federation. Federation. - Eagle: ORAGS, 2012. - 138 p. Vydrin law of Russia6 textbook / . – 4th ed., revised. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2012. – 255 p. constitutional, municipal and civil law: theoretical and practical aspects: (collective) / [, etc.; editorial board: (prev.) and others; SibAK]. - Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2013. - 111 p. Korsakov - legal policy of Russia /; ed. ;. – M.: Yurlitinform, 2012. – 341 p. Kostyukov municipal legal policy. – M.: Yurlitinform, 2012. – 318 p. Kurshieva professional development state and municipal employees / ; Scientific-implementation labor center in the state and municipality. service. - M.: VividArt, 2012. - 206 p. Kutafin law of the Russian Federation: textbook /,. - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. - Moscow: Prospect, 2013. - 669 p. Naumov and municipal management: textbook. allowance. – M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2012. – 553 p. Peshcherov and municipal government: textbook: [specialty "State and municipal government"] /; Ministry of Education Mosk. region, Moscow state region un-t. - Ed. 4th, add. and reworked. - Moscow: MGOU Publishing House, 2012. - 683 p. , Chernogor law of Russia: textbook 3rd ed., revised. and additional / , Tabolin V., ; ed. . - M.: Publishing house "Jurisprudence", 2015. -448 p. Pylin and municipal control: textbook. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2011. - 707 p. Rebrova Law of the Russian Federation: textbook. allowance. - Novocherkassk: YuRGTU, 2011. - 254 p. Skripin of state authorities and local self-government. Series "Municipal Law of Russia". - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 176 p. Surmanidze Service of the Russian Federation. Municipal service in the Russian Federation. Anti-corruption / ; Ros. acad. nar. households and state. service under the President of the Russian Federation. Federation, Kirov. Phil. - Kirov: Avers, 2012. - 335 p. Shugrina law: a textbook for universities / Shugrina. 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2012. – 559 p. Chebotarev - legal responsibility as a guarantee of the implementation of local self-government in the interests of the population / , ; Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation, Tyumen. state un-t, Institute of law, economics and ex. - Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2011. - 295 p. legal regulation of the legal responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government in the Russian Federation: textbook. allowance. - M.: Publishing house "Jurisprudence", 2012. - 220 p. Yanovsky and municipal management: textbook. allowance. – M.: KnoRus, 2012. – 199p.

Appendix 4


The concept of "legal status" is widely used in law and at the present time.

The word "status" from the Latin "status" as or someone (something), the characteristic of this as a "legal" regulation of the situation by the relevant acts. Thus, in the totality of definitions, the status is the normative position of someone (something), namely, the defined person (object), its nature, in public and rights, the most important and duties, (the order) of them and, at the same time, acts or actions .

Legal status of a Duma deputy Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug- Yugra, yes legal status, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Khanty Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, which include laws such as the Law "On the Principles of Organization of the Local in the Federation", the Law "On the Municipality in the Federation", the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra "On deputies of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra” and others.

The above legal acts are the starting points for the analysis of the deputy and his position.

As mentioned earlier, the status under not being fixed in the norms in relation to, in my case, the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous - Yugra, but also " various elements, which is the initial organizational and structural official».

At the time there are different opinions, it is part of the legal entity or subject, their hierarchy.

However, most scientists agree that the component of the legal status of a person - the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - Ugra is his competence: his and his duties, taking into account his position.

In other components, a circle of questions is allocated to the deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous - Ugra: he has goals and tasks, functions assigned to him, responsibility. the function is subordinated to the goal, to it.

The deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous - Ugra is the chosen one of the people, his will in power, one of his is the representation of interests in power. On it, such as obligatory with voters: appeals, and statements of voters, personal and with citizens.

Also, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous - Ugra is a member of the faction, he was elected as a member, and he is also in its meetings, from a joint and unified position, developing a program on issues, the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous - Ugra.

The form of activity of the deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - Ugra in accordance with the deputy mandate.

Same way important element the status of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - Yugra guarantees its activities, which it has the opportunity to carry out its activities.

Among the guarantees, immunity is distinguished as a type of privileges, a set of special advantages, and indemnity, as “a set, the independence of a deputy, which are a reward for his work and affirmation as a person”.

In the foregoing, to conclude that under the status of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - Yugra in the sense of understanding the position of the deputy, conditioned by the socio-political society, legal and social and provided with guarantees. In terms of the status of the deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - Yugra from the ordered elements that characterize the content of the position of the deputy, and from their rights, duties, guarantees and forms of activity, in the nature of the mandate.

The status of a representative municipal deputy is built on following principles, elective activity, legitimacy, urgent exercise of authority, professionalism.

The principle of election follows from the concept of "deputy". establishes that a citizen, 21 years old, must be a deputy. In this it should be noted that, by the nature of the activity, does not replace an elected office and not an elected person.

With the Law on the municipal category "elected position" disappeared from the legislation. So far, the term is in the electoral legislation, but, apparently, only with the fact that it has not yet been brought into service. part 2 1 contains "municipal position". in the context of the Law, the term generalizes to deputies, elected local self-government, elected officials of local self-government, municipalities, based on and being legal entities.

Moreover, the Federal Law-FZ in 2 categories "deputy", "elected person of local self-government", "official of self-government", "member of a self-government body".

On the day, it seems, neither local government officials nor local government officials, since they do not have executive and administrative powers. The chairman of the body and his deputies, their powers on the basis of local self-government officials, but not officials, in municipal elections they are deputies, not officials. This circumstance was also confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, indicating that the chairman of the representative body is elected from among the deputies not as a person of local importance for issues, but as an official of a self-government body, the competence includes only the activities of the representative body.

The next principle is legitimacy. The deputy is elected on legal grounds; in the activities of the norms of legislation, as well as the operation of the law.

Along with the indicated principles of the deputy on the urgency of his powers. Powers begin from the day of his and terminate from the day of work of the convocation body. Given to the deputies of the bodies of municipalities, in the elections, until 8 2003, according to the term of office, they were in accordance with the municipalities.

The decision to change the term of office, and the decision on the list of elected officials of self-government only to elected officials of local self-government, after by virtue of the relevant decision. The term of a deputy is set by the municipality, but not be two or five years. Typically a period of four years.

However, the powers of the deputy to be ahead of schedule in the following cases:

his death;

His own will;

by its court incompetent or capable;

It should be noted that neither the Russian Federation nor establish such suffrage as persons with limited legal capacity. Thus, the legislator is in a situation where a person with limited capacity to be a deputy, but not to enter into deputy powers;

Court unknown or deceased;

With respect to the force of the judgment of the court;

Outside the Russian to the place of residence;

Termination of citizenship of the Federation, citizenship of a foreign state of the international Russian Federation, in which the foreign has to be in local government;


Early termination of the representative body;

On the military service or to her civil service.

The next principle is the professionalism of the mandate. The specified principle with character of the municipal deputy. law of principle and establishes that the representative municipality of its powers, as a rule, on the basis of. On the basis of work is not 10% of the established headcount of the education authority. If the number of the educational body is less than 10 people, then one deputy will work on the basis. Taking into account the deputies of the body, make sure that 10% is from up to three deputies. As a rule, there will be a chairman of the body, his (deputies). Most of their hulls on the basis. In the situation the degree of MP is before the population.

A member of the management of an organization, unless otherwise provided by federal laws or if in accordance with the procedure, a municipal act in accordance with the laws and subject of the Russian Federation, he is not instructed to participate in this organization;

Other paid activities, for teaching, and other creative (at the same time, teaching, and other creative activity not be financed at the expense of foreign states, and organizations, citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by the international Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation);

The composition of the governing bodies, or councils, other bodies of foreign non-governmental and on the territory of the Russian Federation their divisions, unless otherwise provided by the international Russian Federation or the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the legislator is not for the deputy to replace the state civil service. this is not contained either in the Law -FZ or in the Federal Law -FZ "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation". an employee to replace the elected in local self-government. However, as already noted, not an elective office. But it seems that the lack of restriction is justified.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

(MSTU. Bauman)

GRNTI 14.35.01; 14.35.07

about research work

"Development of models and samples of standards

for bachelors and masters in the specialty "

on the project: “Development of models of a bachelor in the specialty and a master in the specialty. Implementation of models by groups of specialties»


Book 1 "Development of models for bachelors and masters in the specialty"

Scientific adviser:

Fedorov I.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor


G . Moscow

List of performers

work manager,

Rector of Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.B. Fedorov

responsible executor,

Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work

MSTU im. N.E Bauman, Ph.D., Associate Professor S.V. Korshunov

Director of the Institute of Content

Education HSE (SU), Doctor of Psychology,

Professor V.D. Shadrikov

Deputy vice-rector for academic affairs

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Ph.D.,

Professor S.P. Yerkovich

Head department of NII SM,

Associate Professor at Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman S.V. Suvorov

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Yu.G. Tatur

First Vice-Rector of Moscow State Technical University

A.N. Kosygina, Ph.D., Professor N.I. Maksimov

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

MISiS, Ph.D., Professor V.P. Solovyov

Rector of TomskPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu.P. Pokholkov

Professor of TomskPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences DI. Weisburd

Professor of TomskPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences P.S. Chubik

First Vice-Rector of TomskPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.I. Chuchalin

Director of the Center for Social

and Information Technology, Ph.D. B.L. Agranovich

Professor at Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman,

d.p.m.s. V.V. Feoktistov

Head of the Department of Physics,

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A.N. Morozov

First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector

for academic work MSTU im. N.E. Bauman,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Yudin

Head of methodological department

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor N.V. Vasiliev

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanities

Sciences MSTU im. N.E. Bauman,

Doctor of Philology, Professor N.G. Bagdasaryan

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian

Sciences MSTU im. N.E. Bauman,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor I.G. Quiet-Tishchenko

Head of the Department "Computer systems

production automation"

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. Emelyanov

Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Systems

production automation"

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Ph.D. V.B. Tarasov

Director of the Research Institute of Higher Education,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.Ya. Saveliev

Deputy Director of Research Institute

higher education, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor B.A. Sazonov

Rector of SPbGETU LETI,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor D.V. Puzankov

Vice-Rector of SPbGETU LETI,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.N. Ushakov

Report 208 p., 1 book, 25 tables, 18 figures, 89 sources


Educational programs, postgraduate education, bachelor's, master's, educational standards, specialist model, multi-stage education

The object of research is the system of higher professional education in Russia in the field of engineering and technology.

The purpose of the research is to develop models and samples of standards for bachelors and masters in the specialty, taking into account domestic and international experience and the needs of the labor market.

Based on the experience of building a multi-level education system in Russia and in the economically developed countries taking into account the recommendations of UNESCO to the levels of education, the basic principles for presenting the content of education in a multi-level system of training specialists in the field of engineering and technology have been developed. Recommendations on the organization educational process multi-stage training of bachelors and masters in the specialty.

On the basis of taking into account European trends in the development of education in the context of the Bologna process and the analysis of international experience in multi-stage professional education, it is shown that in the conditions of Russia, the optimal structure, taking into account the difference in the duration of education in a complete secondary school, is the structure 4–6–9 (engineer-bachelor - 4 years, engineer-master - 6 years, engineer-doctor - 9 years).

On the example of the direction of training of graduates 654600 "Computer science and computer technology", a detailed qualification characteristic has been prepared for a bachelor engineer, a master engineer and a doctoral engineer.

It is shown that all three levels of education are closely interconnected by the process of optimization and represent a single holistic strategically inseparable educational system of training for the national economy of the country a modern contingent of qualified personnel of all categories.

The analysis of the multi-stage training of specialists in Russia was carried out and the block diagrams of the existing educational trajectories and those proposed in the project, as well as their implementation in universities with different terms of study, were considered.

The approach to the construction of educational standards based on the competence-based approach, which is used in the development of models of a specialist with higher professional education, is substantiated.

Proposals have been formulated on the content of the training of engineers-bachelors and engineers-masters in the basic cycles of disciplines.

The problems of training elite specialists based on the development of innovative abilities of graduates of technical universities are considered.

The analysis of educational programs and curricula MSTU im. N. E. Bauman.

Promising methods of organizing the educational process in modern universities and ways of its intensification are proposed.


Section 1 Experience in designing educational standards in Russia…………..

1.1 Levels of the educational system in Russia. Stages of higher education………………………………………………………………………………..

1.2. Educational programs of HPE…………………………………………….

1.3. Creation of the SES of higher professional education…………………..

1.3.1. Preliminary stage of designing the SES VPO…………………………………………………….

1.3.2. Ensuring the fundamentality of education………………………….

1.3.3. The cycle of natural sciences……………………………………

1.3.4. The cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines………….

1.3.5. Implementation of the principle of interdisciplinarity………………………………

1.3.6. Increasing attention to the intellectual activity of a university graduate………………………………………………………………………………

1.3.7. Conjugation of directions and specialties…………………………….

1.3.8. Updating the list of specialties……………………………………….

1.3.9. Peculiarities of State Educational Standards in the specialty …………………………………….

1.3.10. Disadvantages of the first generation GOS………………………………………

1.3.11. Approach to updating the first generation CES……………………….

1.3.12. Distinctive features educational standards

second generation……………………………………………………………

Section 2 Analysis of the state of multi-stage training of specialists in the Russian Federation…………………………..………………………………………………

2.1. Analysis of existing and proposed educational trajectories in the system of higher professional education……………………………………………

Section 3 Principles of building models of a specialist with higher professional education………………………………………………………………………..

3.1. General approaches to the construction of educational models of a specialist………………………………………………………………………………. ..............

3.2. Ways to build a specialist model…………………………………………

3.3. Generalized activity model……………………………………………..

3.4. Specialist Model (Bachelor and Master)………………………………….

3.5. Competence as a structural element of the quality model of university graduate training……………………………………………………………………..

Section 4 Models of a specialist in areas of training.…………………….

4.1. The Bologna process and the structure of specialist training…………………

4.2. Structure of specialists training in the USA………………………………..

4.3. Structure of specialists training in France…………………………..

4.4. Optimal duration of training of specialists………………..

4.5. Model of a specialist in the direction of training……………………………

4.6. Organization of multi-stage training of bachelors and masters in the specialty…………………………………………………………………………

4.7. Problems of building an integral system of multi-stage engineering education……………………………………………………….

4.8. The main characteristics of the educational process of training elite specialists in the field of engineering and technology …………………………………………

Section 5 Proposals for the formation of the content of training

engineers-bachelors and engineers-masters in cycles of disciplines …………….

5.1. According to the cycle of social and humanitarian disciplines………………………………..

5.3. Physics for bachelors in the specialty with a four-year term of study. Approximate distribution hours on topics and types of classes……………………….

Section 6 Training of elite specialists in technical universities………………………………………………………………………………………….

Section 7 Organization of the educational process and ways of its intensification…………………………………………………………………………………………

Section 8. Analysis of educational programs and curricula of MSTU. N. E. Bauman………………………………………………………………………………..

8.1. Development of educational programs at MSTU. N.E. Bauman……………

8.2. Regulations study load students and its volume…………………………..

8.3. Difficulties of universities in developing curricula in accordance with the State Educational Standards…

8.4. Requirements for educational programs of higher professional

education and the conditions for their implementation …………………………………………..

8.5. Academic freedoms of the university in determining the content of higher professional education……………………………………………………..

8.6. The procedure for developing, approving and introducing into educational programs ...


List of used sources………………………………………………..