Educational project title. Pedagogical project "creating conditions for the development of research activities of students in a rural school"

5. Implementation process: choice of methods (theoretical analysis of sources, study and generalization pedagogical experience, observation, conversation, questioning, testing, comparative historical method, method of theoretical modeling, « brainstorm”, “synectics”, pedagogical experiment, etc.), means, content, project implementation plan); 6. Expected results: ways of presenting results (specific product, acquired qualities, exhibition, video film, etc.), reflection, project evaluation criteria;

1. Research work provides for a hypothesis and its proof in the work. Project work can only put forward a hypothesis, but the proof will be in another reporting work. 2. Experimental or pilot work provides a description of the experiment and a scientific report on its implementation: 3. An abstract is an expression of one's own assessment, position in relation to any studied source (work)

The priority direction is the pedagogy of facilitation (cooperation, human efficiency in interaction): 1. The main emphasis is on the organization of active activities; 2. The teacher does not just pass educational information, but acts as a teacher-manager and director of training, ready to offer the minimum necessary set of teaching aids; 3. Priority attention is paid to the organization of students' independence; 4. The learner acts as a subject of activity 5. Assertive behavior - taking responsibility for one's own behavior, demonstrates self-respect and respect for others

Project structure 1. Introduction or explanatory note (relevance, short description problems, need for innovation, analysis of available funds and resources for the implementation of the project, background, legal framework, etc.); 2. The main part: basic concepts, goals, objectives, activities, description of the innovation model (through functions, content, and other components), project implementation mechanisms, resource support for the creation and implementation of the project, implementation plan, timing and stages; 3. Final part: expected results, forms and methods for tracking results, literature used, attached documents and provisions to illustrate any project materials, (reviews)

Sample Topics projects: 1. Protection and promotion of the health of students and teachers in .... 2. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis personal qualities students (class, group, etc.). 3. Individual educational route student ... 4. Computerization of pedagogical monitoring ... 5. Development of students' independence through ... 6. Development of universal abilities of students within ....

Approximate project topics: 7. Formation of a comfortable educational (educational) environment in the classroom, children's association (at a lesson, class) .... 8. Development creativity students in the process of teaching a subject, course... 9. Distance learning.... 10. Integrative lessons (classes): mechanisms, features, problems... 11. Work with gifted children in the lesson (within the subject, course) ... support for children with special educational needs

Approximate project topics: 12. Implementation of technology (developmental education, competence-based education, design and research skills, health-saving educational environment, "cluster", case method, specialized training, multicultural education, etc.) in the educational process .... subject .... age of students for ... 13. Creation of a system: - preschool (preschool) education; - civil-patriotic education; - environmental education, etc. 14. The use of a cumulative assessment system (achievements) of students (portfolio)

Formation of work 1. Title page: (upper part of the sheet: name of the institution, (organization) where the student works and the name of the institution on the basis of which the project is being developed) 2. Middle of the sheet: Final project work on the topic: “ Methodological support distance learning program children's association"Cutting and sewing" 3. Below the topic, the right part: the author of the project: Ivanova Svetlana Ivanovna, consultant - Petrova T.P.; 4. Bottom of the sheet: year and place of creation of the project

The main criteria for evaluating the PP 1. Reality and relevance of the project; 2. Optimality of the content of the project, logic, algorithm for its implementation; 3. The choice of the most effective and rational forms, methods, means for its creation and implementation;

The main criteria for evaluating PP 4. Innovativeness of the forms, methods, ideas, content components used; 5. Accessibility and competent style of presentation; 6. Practice orientation (possibility of implementation); 7. Ability to protect this project

The main mistakes when creating a program 1. There are no references to sources; 2. Already completed works are used and presented as design. It must be taken into account that the project is a future model of something, an upcoming business (product), this is not a report on the work done

EXPECTED RESULTS Words used: growth expected….; positive dynamics….; success of students ...; gaining experience…..; - students will master the techniques (methods) ...; - students will complete ... .; - the level will increase ...; - ability to systematize, analyze ....

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Pedagogy"

Download ready-made presentations on pedagogy. Pedagogy - The science of education and training. A variety of presentations on pedagogy, available for download on our website, will allow you to effectively and interestingly conduct school lessons on a variety of topics. A good structure for presenting information a large number of Slides help convey information in an understandable way.

Natalia Piskunova
Pedagogical project

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

credit work

for advanced training courses

according to IOC IB

"The main directions of regional educational policy in the context of the modernization of Russian education"


on the topic:

"Development of creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of children's design."

Piskunova N. G.


SP GBOU gymnasium

"OC "Harmony" g. o. Otradny

Kindergarten № 13


Putilina L. A.


1. Analysis of the situation

2. Relevance.

3. Identification of the problem

4. Planned educational outcomes

5. System of work on project

6. Diagnostic tools

7. Results of work on project.

List of used sources page 3

1. Analysis of the situation.

Modern conditions public life make special demands on the creative abilities of the individual. These conditions bring to life Russian society new adjustments that require mobility, flexible thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions from specialists, creativity to solving various problems. The rapid acceleration of life has made adjustments to the education system in general and to the system of preschool education in particular. In this regard, before teachers preschool educational institutions an important task arose - to teach children to be a creative person.

At present, in the system of preschool education, conditions are being created for the development of the creative abilities of children, curricula are being developed, and new ones are being introduced. pedagogical technologies enriches the developing environment. It is no coincidence that children's circles and studios are so popular now, music schools and art schools. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt. The creative development of a preschooler is the most important task kindergarten teacher and involves the use of various activities of the child, including productive ones.

Today, attention is actively drawn to a new direction in the artistic education of children. preschool age- children's design, which gives a wide scope for children's creativity. The implementation of this direction requires an appeal to general developmental pedagogical integrated systems. This activity is new and little studied, but it has an undoubted developmental potential for all spheres of the personality. Design is a versatile way of knowing the world. Arises pedagogical and a psychological problem - the adaptation of children in the outside world? What can preschoolers do by joining the design activity? What do they gain by designing.

2. Relevance.

Every child is a designer by nature. Remember with what enthusiasm children build a whole world from everything that comes to hand! And the fewer ready-made toys around, the more interesting this process. Gradually, the craving for creation without nourishment, the support of adults dies off, because everything around has already been invented, just go and buy: why build an airplane if all the models are on the counter? How to develop these abilities hidden in everyone? Therefore, it was not by chance that I faced the task of supporting the initiative and non-standard thinking in children. In games and in everyday life, little creators get acquainted with various manifestations of design culture, pay attention to "images" world of adults in toys - models, models, learn to plan and anticipate the result of their work, consistently implement their own plan, skillfully handle materials and tools.

The novelty of my proposed project is content and the use of new techniques and materials. This artistic design project contributes to the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities in preschoolers in the manufacture of unique children's works, using products in the life of a child, kindergarten and family.

The relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that the consolidation of patterns in the child's creativity is a great danger for him, so it is necessary to destroy the frozen patterns and introduce new activities that help stimulate the child's own creativity. Design is the modern art of artistic design, the development of models for the rational construction of an objective environment; it is a conscious and intuitive effort to solve a problem that can never be the only correct solution.

3. Identification of the problem.

Despite the development of technologies for the application of children's design in preschool educational institutions, work in this area is carried out intuitively and haphazardly. In the practice of preschool institutions, not all educators use children's design options to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

This determined the theme of my work: "The development of creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of children's design."

Children's design can be focused both on the aesthetic organization of space and on the creation of beautiful useful objects that make up the child's environment. Elementary crafts of a child can be considered as his project activities, since already in simple arrangements he plans a certain result. The child is introduced to different artistic techniques and ornamental materials, With accessible ways manufacturing and decorating products: twisting, bending, tearing, and rubbing, cutting, piercing, sewing, embroidering, stringing, joining, gluing, weaving, etc.

Working on the direction - the development of creative abilities in older preschoolers, I created project on teaching children the elements of design - "Young Designers".

Target project: to develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities through teaching children the elements of design.

Implementation project covers educational areas recommended FGT: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Fiction", "Socialization".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

Learning tasks:

The development of creative thinking of preschoolers, through familiarization with the methods and techniques used in artistic and constructive

Create conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills for

achieving certain results.

To form the ability to analyze, self-assessment in the performance of work.

Development tasks:

develop cognitive activity communication, independence.

To form the ability to consistently implement your plan, skillfully handle materials and tools.

Development of figurative thinking, imagination, steady attention, observation.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate aesthetic taste, culture of behavior, accuracy.

To stimulate co-creation with peers and adults, using the result of creative activity in everyday life, games, and room decor.

Raise interest in design - creativity

4. Planned educational outcomes.

The project is intended for teachers preschool senior and preparatory groups.

Type of project– practice - oriented

Implementation period - 2 years (long term).

The main form of work is sub-group activities once a week. There are 36 classes per year.

Construction principles pedagogical process.

1. From simple to complex.

2. Systematic work.

3. The principle of thematic cycles.

4. Individual approach.

As part of the implementation project the interaction of educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions and parents was carried out. Work with teachers provides: conversations, consultations and advice on the manufacture of a particular craft, workshops on Topics: "Fundamentals of Design", "Children's Design", "Children's needlework", "Children's costumes for the holidays".

Implementation of all directions in project would not be effective without close cooperation with parents.

Working with parents suggests:

Special advice "Design in the Family", "Portfolio of crafts";

"Our hands are not for boredom";

Presentations "Origami", slide show "Workshop of Santa Claus";

Master classes "Our hands are not for boredom";

Family Art Contests "Painted toys", "Gifts of Autumn";

Open days.

projects are: Exhibitions, open events, participation in reviews of the best design of the group, competitions "Institution Design". Proposed project

Methods and techniques of teaching.

1. Visual (display teacher, example, help).

2. Verbal (explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings).

3. Practical (independent and joint performance of crafts). Stages of work. The entire educational cycle is divided into 3 stage:

Stage 1 - acquaintance with the properties of materials.

Stage 2 - training in manufacturing techniques.

Stage 3 - making crafts.

Forms for summarizing the implementation of this projects are: exhibitions, open events, participation in reviews, competitions.

Proposed project is variable, that is, if necessary, it is allowed to adjust the content and forms of activities, the time of passage of the material.

Expected result of the planned activity. Table number 1.

1 year of study 2 year of study

children will be familiar, will be able to learn, do. children will know, learn how to make and apply

They will have a general idea of ​​design, its purpose in society.

Get acquainted with the technology of making applications from paper of different textures.

Will have ideas about various materials and their properties.

They will be able to master various brush painting techniques on various materials.

They can compose.

Apply non-traditional drawing techniques on paper.

Decorate the item.

Use at work natural materials.

Cut out objects of various shapes along the contour.

Distinguish and name the basic concepts of design and composition (idea, harmony, composition).

Distinguish and name the elements of the composition (space, line, spot, shape, color, texture).

Rules for the design of the finished product.

Arrange the drawing on a sheet of paper.

Learn a variety of techniques design: "Decoupage", "Patchwork", "Quilling".

Make a variety of crafts, clothing accessories from waste material.

Create your own product.

Evaluate the results of your work.

5. System of work on project.

Design training is carried out in stages. AT childhood artistic ideas are stable and the child is able to take on any role "painter", "sculptor", "designer". He is able to motivate the choice of material to convey mood, emotional attitude to the world around.

The directions of activity of children's design were chosen.

it: architectural and artistic modeling; Interior Design;

clothing and jewelry design; dish design.

When perceiving the final result of their creativity, older preschoolers showed an active, pronounced interest in design. Children assessed from the perspective of understanding artistic image as a result of creativity.

Let's consider each of them.

Architectural and artistic modeling:

Architectural and artistic design meets the fundamental tasks of the development of the child, since his entire environment, the interior, as elements of a common culture, forms an aesthetic attitude to everyday life.

I solve this problem by introducing children to the samples of domestic and world architecture available to them. Children got acquainted with the architecture of different times, various buildings and structures. To implement their ideas in club activities, children created projects on topics: "Lanterns on the streets of the city"; "We build a kindergarten ourselves"

(layout making); "Houses of the Three Little Pigs"; "House for Birds".

These works were made from different materials (cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, boxes, waste and natural material).

Interior Design:

Currently big influence the child has a subject-developing environment, so I pay special attention to the decoration of the interior. In this case, the interior is the standard of aesthetic education, in which the child draws a boundless sea of ​​fantasy and creativity. Children pay attention to the surrounding objects that they like or dislike, note the variety of their color, shape, texture, size, proportions.

For design activities, children collected plants, cones, used paper, fabrics, natural materials, created arrangements from them. (bouquets, herbariums, garlands) and figurative compositions to decorate your life: "Gifts of Autumn"; "Curly Trees"; "Spring Meadow"; "Our Aquarium".

The design of compositions from the gifts of nature is interesting and useful for children. (greens, dead wood, vegetables, fruits). Being engaged in needlework from materials of animate and inanimate nature, children join the beauty, learn about the amazing and immense world of nature. After all, natural material is a pantry for fantasy and imagination. In the process of joint labor activity the child feels his importance, which brings him joy, maintains interest and desire to craft. So the little designers created beautiful compositions: "Old Man - Forester"; "Turtle"; "Gold autumn"; "Fairy peacock".

Fashion and jewelry design:

I pay special attention to familiarizing children with clothes, new technologies and trends in decorating clothes. Games of artistic content and plot- role-playing games encourage children to look for wardrobe for dolls (dresses, hats, blouses, decor for performances. In my classes, I introduce children to the costumes of different peoples of the world, and they, in turn, give impetus to creativity, the creation of new clothing collections that display bright colors, national motives and traditions.Children who fell in love with folk culture will always honor the traditions of their people, which means they will love, respect and preserve what has been accumulated over centuries and millennia.So the children were happy to create headdresses made based on Mordovian, Tatar, Russian suits.

Direction "Modeling and decor of clothes"- made it possible to acquaint children with the culture of clothing and some of the ways preschoolers can create drawings - sketches, styles. Work in this direction formed preschoolers' attention and interest in their own appearance, puppet-game wardrobe. Children learned that clothes can tell a lot about man: for example, about his artistic taste, about the sense of proportion in following fashion. Based on clothing sketches, along with teachers and parents, children created volumetric objects design: models of headdresses, dresses, suits made of waste material.

Children came up with new and amazing collections clothes: "Tie for Dad"; "Hats, crowns, kokoshniks"; "Beautiful beads and bracelets";"Dress for Mom".

Tableware design:

At the senior preschool age, the child is able to select the furnishings of doll rooms not only for their intended purpose (living room, kitchen, dining room), but also by observing and evaluating the decoration of the rooms, children transfer the principles of aesthetic unity available to them into their creativity. Preschoolers get acquainted with various utensils (table service, tea service) and bring the beauty of artistic imagery, decoration to own practice creation of a cultural and game interior.

"Young Designers" learned to see and, with the help of an adult, gradually realize their « design intent» , anticipating the artistic result. So the children came up with new dishes, sets, tea sets:

"Pencil cups"; "Vase for Mom"; "Dishes for dolls".

"Young Designers" participate in personal exhibitions, where they present their works made in different genres, using different materials. Exhibition topics are enough varied: "Vegetable Kaleidoscope", "Workshop of Santa Claus", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Spring Bouquets" and etc.

In order to check the assimilation of terms, concepts and as a psychological relief, games: "Young designer", "Decorate the Suit", "Create an interior", "Replace Items", "Cheerful color", "Art Salon" etc. Introduced preschoolers to various new methods and technologies used in design: "Scrapebooking", "Remake", "Decoupage", "Sandography". She taught the ability to model clothes, while the formation of aesthetic taste, artistic outlook, understanding clothing design as a creative process, the acquisition of knowledge and skills in creating clothing models.

Observing children's creativity, one can see the importance the child attaches to his "wealth" (pebbles, beads, scraps of fabric, buttons, etc.). In our opinion, these are unnecessary things - trash, garbage, but in children's hands they turn into real ones. "jewelry"- a bead is a pearl from a distant blue sea, a patch is a princess dress, a candy wrapper - tropical butterfly. It is this ability to see the unusual in the ordinary that we use in children's design classes.

In the course of creative activity, the little master makes many discoveries, achieves personal achievements. Although objectively he does not create anything absolutely new, unknown, the result of his work is of a subjective nature, since in this very process lies his primacy for the child. In the process of design activities, children got acquainted with the features, properties, capabilities of various artistic materials and new technologies.

Interaction with parents.

In the process of working with pupils, I felt the desire of parents for joint creativity with children and began to involve them in joint activities. Parents began to actively help in collecting material, participate in the design of exhibitions, attend classes, because they saw that children attend them with great desire, learn to fantasize, create, create beautiful works of art.

For two years, my parents helped us with our work. They brought jointly created crafts, compositions, panels, decorations for the group, posters. They showed their skills in creating a spring collection. They invented models of clothes from junk material: "Rainbow", "Knight", "Caramel Princess", "Pearl Night" and others. Active grandmothers were involved in the preparation of competitions. As a result of the events held, children and parents received positive emotions, showed creativity and imagination, showed good skills in design activities.

The genuine interest of parents in the creativity of their children has increased, a competitive moment has appeared. Exhibitions have always been decorated solemnly. All "masterpieces" were appreciated and did not go unnoticed. Anyone could see them. How many different secrets were discovered by children, studying the natural world. The soul of a child is unusually open at such moments. He begins to understand that the end result depends on him. And the most valuable thing is that children and adults spend time together.

For active participation in competitions and the preparation of wonderful crafts, groups are awarded Thanksgiving letters with names of parents and children. The organization of such exhibitions has become our good tradition.

6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the work system.

For the level of revealing the development of creative abilities, diagnostic methods were selected that are focused on older preschoolers and have their own indicators of the development of imagination and creative abilities. These tests have a simple structure, are easily perceived by children, and are performed with interest. When determining the level of development of creative abilities, tests proposed by the author E. P. Torrens were used.

Test "Unfinished Drawing" E. P. Torrens is non-verbal and covers such dimensions of thinking as fluency, accuracy, imagination and originality. To identify the level of development of figurative creativity, the test of E. P. Torrance was used "Finishing Shapes" with several modifications.

After a comparative analysis of the assimilation project"Young designer" at the beginning of 2010 - 2011 and 2011 - 2012 academic year, it can be noted that the level of assimilation of this material by children, namely the development of artistic and creative abilities, has increased. Evaluation of the results made it possible to determine the levels of development of creative abilities at the beginning of the year and at the end. General results diagnostic examination pupils of the first year of study in are presented in histogram 1.

Histogram #1.

Evaluation of the results made it possible to determine the levels of development of creative abilities in the second year of study at the end of the year. The general results of the diagnostic examination of pupils are presented in a histogram.

Histogram #2.

Thus, teaching design elements to older preschool children is an effective means of developing the creativity of preschoolers.

7. Results of work on project.

Pupils began to respond more emotionally to the beauty of nature, clothes, premises, to show a more stable interest in design art, their creative activity, initiative and artistic independence increased. Children learned to conceive an image, look for means of implementation, think through the sequence of their work and achieve results. The children also had a sense of creative satisfaction. In cooperation with other children, the individuality of each child, the features of creative style, and performance techniques began to come out brighter. Artistic emotions and interests that arise in the process of productive search activity contributed to the successful formation of creative thinking. In live communication with art, they learned how to create and use children's books in the design; layouts; arrangements from different materials; attributes for games and performances, festive matinees; improve the interior. Pupils are active participants and winners of competitions and exhibitions of children's art. Thus, society's need for a new type of personality - creatively active and free-thinking - is constantly increasing as the socio-economic and cultural conditions of our life improve. This need can be realized through design - an activity precisely at preschool age.

Thus, I consider the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers in the process of familiarizing children with the basics of design activity as the basis of an active and self-developing, creative personality. Therefore, I consider this work to be necessary, systematic and purposeful, and I plan to continue working in this direction, to look for new forms of work to familiarize children with design activities. The project can be used in preschool educational institutions.


1. Gribovskaya A. A. Collective creativity of preschoolers. - M., 2004

2. Davydova G. N. "Children's Design", M., 2006 1, 2 part.

"Origins": The basis of the development of a preschool child. - M., 2003

3. Dorozhin Yu. "Art for children": The first design lessons. - 2005, No. 1

4. Korotkova N. A. Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age. - M. 2007.

5. Lykova I. A. Tsvetnye palms: The program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old. -M. 2003.

6. Lyalina L. A Design and children: from the experience of methodological work. - M., TC Sphere, 2006.

7. Lyalina L. A. Design came to kindergarten. // Methodist of a preschool educational institution No. 2.2009.

8. Loginova L. Design - premiere. // Hoop -2008, No. 6

9. Ryzhova N. Bukareva A. Unusual in the ordinary. // Hoop - 2008, No. 6

1 slide

Project work of a teacher or a pedagogical project (hereinafter referred to as PP) Author-compiler Ermolaeva T.I.

2 slide

Educational design is the highest level professional activity in pedagogy, manifested in the work of a teacher (teacher)

3 slide

4 slide

A project is a preliminary (tentative) text of a document, a plan, an idea ( Dictionary social science terms)

5 slide

A project is an activity to create (develop, plan, design) any system, object or model

6 slide

What areas of activity educational technologies) at the level of development of education in the region, the state, could you single out? (mark the 5 most important components for yourself, imagine)

7 slide

Design stages: 1. Analysis of the object and its resources, identification of the problem (what we are dissatisfied with, what hinders us, what we would like to improve); 2. The concept of the project (area, subject of transformation, theme, goal, objectives, meaning of the project);

9 slide

5. Implementation process: choice of methods (theoretical analysis of sources, study and generalization of pedagogical experience, observation, conversation, questioning, testing, comparative historical method, theoretical modeling method, brainstorming, synectics, pedagogical experiment, etc.) , means, contents, project implementation plan); 6. Expected results: ways of presenting results (specific product, acquired qualities, exhibition, video film, etc.), reflection, project evaluation criteria; Design stages:

10 slide

7. Timing intermediate analysis and project adjustments at all stages of project creation; 8. Estimated prospects for development and distribution Design stages:

11 slide

1. Research work provides for a hypothesis and its proof in the work. Project work can only put forward a hypothesis, but the proof will be in another reporting work. 2. Experimental or pilot work provides a description of the experiment and a scientific report on its implementation: 3. An abstract is an expression of one's own assessment, position in relation to any source (work) studied. The difference between a project and a research, pilot, experimental, abstract, etc. forms pedagogical works:

12 slide

The priority direction is the pedagogy of facilitation (cooperation, human efficiency in interaction): 1. The main emphasis is on the organization of active activities; 2. The teacher does not just transmit educational information, but acts as a teacher-manager and director of training, ready to offer the minimum necessary set of teaching aids; 3. Priority attention is paid to the organization of students' independence; 4. The learner acts as a subject of activity 5. Assertive behavior - taking responsibility for one's own behavior, demonstrates self-respect and respect for others

13 slide

Project structure 1. Introductory part or explanatory note (relevance, brief description of the problem, the need for innovation, analysis of the funds and resources available for the project, background, legal framework, etc.); 2. The main part: basic concepts, goals, objectives, activities, description of the innovation model (through functions, content, and other components), project implementation mechanisms, resource support for the creation and implementation of the project, implementation plan, timing and stages; 3. Final part: expected results, forms and methods for tracking results, literature used, attached documents and provisions to illustrate any project materials, (reviews)

14 slide

Approximate project topics: 1. Protection and promotion of the health of students and teachers in .... 2. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of personal qualities of students (class, group, etc.).. 3. Individual educational route of the student... 4. Computerization of pedagogical monitoring... 5. Development of students' independence through... 6. Development universal abilities of students within the framework of ....

16 slide

Approximate project topics: 12. Implementation of technology (developmental education, competence-based education, design and research skills, health-saving educational environment, "cluster", case method, specialized training, multicultural education, etc.) in the educational process .... subject .... age of students for ... 13. Creation of a system: - preschool (preschool) education; - civil-patriotic education; - environmental education, etc. 14. The use of a cumulative assessment system (achievements) of students (portfolio)

17 slide

Paper design 1. Title page: (upper part of the sheet: name of the institution, (organization) where the student works and the name of the institution on the basis of which the project is being developed) 2. Middle of the sheet: Final project work

KSU "secondary school No. 31 of Temirtau"



technology at school.


Director of KSU "OSSH No. 31", Temirtau

Usenova G.E.

year 2014

A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case he acquires the right to teach.

Lizinsky V.M.

The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it

M. Barber

Target pedagogical project -

understanding the need and possibility of using modern technologies in the educational process of primary schools (understanding the essence of pedagogical technology, the ability to analyze and evaluate the features and effectiveness of the applied pedagogical technologies in one's own pedagogical activity).

An object -

innovative technologies in education

Subject -

the process of using innovative technologies in the educational process of elementary school.

BUT relevance The problem of technologization of education is explained by the rapid spread of various innovations, including pedagogical technologies, on the one hand, and insufficient mastery of them by teachers, on the other. The use of various pedagogical technologies in pedagogical activity allows the teacher to increase the motivation of students, the professionally practical orientation of classes, and, consequently, to achieve guaranteed planned results in their professional pedagogical activities.


To systematize theoretical knowledge about socio-pedagogical concepts in education "technology", "pedagogical technology", "methodology": meanings and content of concepts.

To characterize the features of innovative technologies in education.

To reveal the role and effectiveness of the use of technology in the educational process of elementary school.

To exchange existing experience on the use of innovative technologies in educational practice.


  • material selection method;
  • method of theoretical interpretation;
  • observation;
  • forecasting, material transformation.

Project type -

  • according to the activity and content dominating in the project:

psychological and pedagogical,



  • by the number of project participants: individual;
  • by time: short-term;
  • by the nature of contacts: open, within the framework of advanced training courses.


- it is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology"

- this is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of a predictable result.

  • unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);
  • content selection and structure (what);
  • optimal organization of the educational process (how);
  • methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what);
  • as well as taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who);
  • and objective methods for evaluating learning outcomes (is this true).

  • diagnostic goal-setting and performance imply a guaranteed achievement of goals and the effectiveness of the learning process;
  • economy expresses the quality of pedagogical technology, which provides a reserve of study time, optimization of the teacher's work and achievement of planned learning outcomes in short periods of time;
  • algorithmicity, projectability, integrity and manageability reflect different aspects of the idea of ​​reproducibility of pedagogical technologies;
  • adjustability implies the possibility of constant operational feedback, consistently focused on well-defined goals;
  • visualization affects the application of various audiovisual and electronic computing equipment, as well as the design and application of various didactic materials and original visual aids.

Student-centered technologies in teaching the subject.

Information and communication technologies in subject education.

Technology of project activity.

Technology of using game methods.

Technology of level differentiation

collaboration technology.

Collective Learning System (CSE)

Test technologies.

Health saving technologies.

Innovation assessment system "PORTFOLIO"

Technology "BiS"

Learner-centered technologies put at the center of the entire school educational system the personality of the child, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials.

The personality of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the end of the educational system, and not a means to some abstract end.

It manifests itself in the development by students of individual educational programs in accordance with their capabilities and needs.

Embedding ICT in content educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the informatization of students' consciousness and their understanding of informatization processes in modern society. It is essential to realize the emerging trend in the process of informatization of the school: from the development by schoolchildren of initial information about computer science to the use of computer software in the study of general subjects, and then to the saturation of the structure and content of education with elements of computer science, the implementation of a radical restructuring of the entire educational process based on the use of information technologies.

The experience of using ICT has shown that students significantly increase their motivation to study subject disciplines, especially with the use of the project method; the psychological tension of school communication is removed by moving from the subjective relationship "teacher-student" to the most objective relationship "student-computer-teacher", the efficiency of student work increases, and also improves the quality of education.

Project activity is an educational technology aimed at acquiring new knowledge by students in close connection with real life, the formation of their special skills and abilities.

The project method is based on the concept of an activity approach and allows organizing training in which students gain knowledge in the process of planning and performing creative tasks - projects.

The developmental goals of project-based learning are expressed in the successful implementation of actions related to the field: logical thinking(implementation of analysis, synthesis, comparison; the ability to build inductive, deductive conclusions); search activity (finding non-standard methods for solving problems, solving non-standard problems, developing a solution plan, implementing a solution plan with a phased control of one’s activities, analyzing the results obtained, searching and selecting the most rational ways of action).

The concept of "game pedagogical technologies" includes a rather extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of encouraging and stimulating students to learning activities.

Differentiation of education is the creation of a variety of learning conditions for different schools, classes, groups in order to take into account the characteristics of their contingent.

The technology of differentiated learning is a set of organizational decisions, means and methods of differentiated learning, covering a certain part of the educational process.

When using this technology, the level of motivation for learning increases; each child learns at the level of his abilities and abilities; the desire of strong students to move faster and deeper in education is realized. Strong students are affirmed in their abilities, weak students get the opportunity to experience educational success.

The main idea of ​​cooperation technology is to create conditions for active joint activities students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is stipulated. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are jointly eliminated.

A learning method that contains four organizational forms, where the fourth one (pairs of shifts) is the leading one, is called a collective learning method (CSE).

The collective form of organizing the educational process is based on cooperation and mutual assistance, ensures the participation of students in the educational process, reveals well their individual characteristics, and ensures the development of individual personality traits.

Collective types of work make the lesson more interesting, lively, educate students in a conscious attitude to educational work, activate mental activity, make it possible to repeat the material many times, help the teacher explain and constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of the children of the whole class with a minimum expenditure of the teacher's time, give the opportunity to advance each student at an individual pace, contribute to the manifestation and development of the abilities of each child.

Test technology as a nature-friendly and health-saving quality control technology educational achievements students, reduces the level of psychological anxiety, stress.

Tests provide students with the opportunity to show independence, individuality, and helps to teach younger students procedural self-control.

In combination with various types of verification, computer-based test tasks are used, which are very effective tool, stimulating the preparation of students for each lesson and increasing motivation for the subject being studied.

"Health-saving educational technologies" - these are all those psychological and pedagogical technologies, programs, methods that are aimed at educating students in a culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, the formation of an idea of ​​health as a value, motivation for maintaining healthy lifestyle life.

AT primary school are used different types technology:

  • health-saving (preventive vaccinations, physical activity, fortification, organization of a healthy diet);
  • wellness ( physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy);
  • health education technologies (inclusion of relevant topics in the subjects of the general education cycle);
  • education of a culture of health (classes on the development of the personality of students, extra-curricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.).

Portfolio- this is a way of fixing, accumulating and evaluating (including self-evaluation) individual achievements student during a certain period of his education.

The portfolio is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps to solve important pedagogical tasks:

  • maintain high learning motivation of schoolchildren;
  • to encourage their activity and independence, to expand opportunities for learning and self-learning;
  • develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluative) activities of students;
  • to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own learning activities;
  • lay additional prerequisites for successful socialization.

The main contribution of the "BiS" technology to the development of education in Kazakhstan is the development of objective criteria for indicators and parameters for measuring the quality of education, as well as the creation of effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of an operational system for managing the quality of education, taking into account the basic laws of the theory of self-organization.

Learning quality management is the fulfillment of the requirements for compliance with a set of principles, methods, tools and forms of learning management developed and applied in educational institutions in order to improve the effectiveness of education through an objective mechanism for measuring the quality of education.

Meters At the moment, there are not enough objective methods for determining the level of the content of the educational task, methods for determining the educational task and the mechanism of the final result.

The technology includes a system of standard meters, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain objective data on the quality of education.

The measurement procedure should be a flexible means of management, diagnostics and control, as well as a process differentiation controller and meet the following requirements:

  • take into account the fact that each individual student team has an individual sum of opportunities for the educational readiness of students;
  • take into account the fact that each student team has its own individual bioinformational (the ability of thinking to process information) feature of the speed and quality of the task;
  • take into account the natural lag of the average student from the best in terms of task completion time.

The mechanism for measuring, controlling the differentiation of content according to the level of assimilation of educational material by students consists of three units of measurement - NPS, PPS, VPS.

NPS - the lower threshold of difficulty. Corresponds to the level of the actual development of the child (according to Vygodsky). It involves the submission of a minimum number of UE units (educational elements are information units of a particular subject that make up quantitative data suitable for measurement. UE are laid out on an increasing scale:

Minimum units (numbers, numbers, letters, words, phrases); -maximum units (numerical expressions, sentences, formulas, rules, concepts and laws of the educational element) depending on synergistic meters feedback;

PPP - an intermediate threshold of complexity. Assumes doubling the previous units of UE by an intermediate amount;

UPU - the upper threshold of complexity. Corresponds to the level of proximal development of students (according to Vygodsky) corresponds to twice the complexity of the content of units Learning elements(UE) in teaching material relative to PPP and three times the level of units (UE) compared to PPP.

Technological cards will allow the teacher to conduct lessons with high quality.

List of cards:

  • algorithm, biointernet, simulator, oral lesson-1,2, 3, logic, leader, SRT, ISN.
  • algorithm,
  • biointernet,
  • training apparatus,
  • oral lesson-1,2,3,
  • logics,
  • leader,

One of the measures is the TSP (thematic vocabulary) check.

Comparative characteristics the quality of knowledge of students in experimental classes in subjects. Line of learning.

In 2010-2011 academic year seven subjects were chosen to continue the experiment, which were taught according to the B&S technological maps. We offer comparative results of the quality of knowledge in mathematics for two years (in the table, experimental classes are highlighted in bold, in the diagram - in light columns).


Lessons conducted according to technological maps contribute to increasing cognitive interest in the subject, increasing student motivation, and hence improving the quality of knowledge.

The development of students in the classroom in technology is carried out due to:

  • technological mapping;
  • calculation of the level of content of educational material through the formula for calculating the complexity (FRS);
  • development of generalized methods of educational activity (OSUD) aimed at developing the orientation activity of students through the organization of operational control.

As a result of feedback, the teacher can immediately determine: how much the acquired knowledge corresponds to methodological and didactic standards; Diagnosis of problems and gaps takes place immediately in the lesson.

“Any activity can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again.”

V.P. Bespalko

The basis for the modernization of education in the first place should be a gradual change in the educational worldview. It should be noted that the process of modernization of education is a gradual process of major changes in the content, technology and organization of the educational activity itself, which also bears the stamp of the past and is largely subordinated to the tasks of yesterday.

The planned changes primarily affect teachers, in whose minds there is to a large extent authoritarianism and isolation from the needs of society.

Based on the above, one can conclusion that the professional competence of a teacher should correspond to the development of society, respond to its challenges, and most importantly, contribute to the formation of a personality ready for "innovative behavior", that is, armed with modern knowledge, able to build it up and be able to turn it into practical deeds.


Sections: General pedagogical technologies

There is an age at which almost every child wants to become a scientist, a researcher. This is the time when school studies have not yet repulsed interest in serious science, and it seems to be a romantic and exciting activity, and the inner need for “playing adults” is still strong. And if at this moment you invite children to do real scientific activity, we will almost certainly save them from indifference to dry school disciplines.

We rarely realize that the research activity of schoolchildren is not an alternative school curriculum, it is just the opposite that “vitamin” of interest in science, which is often lacking in schools.

But it often happens that scientific circles, sections, laboratories operate far from the school, “on the side”. They are not included not only in curricula and programs, but also in the general concept of secondary education, which, as in the old days, makes any science unbearably boring, depriving students of any initiative and independent search. How to overcome this barrier? How to bring the excitement of pioneering scientists into the lives of children? And how to convince adults that this is not just a game of science, but the most important part of education, leading children to acquire independent scientific thinking? This is what will be discussed in this work.

The educational process in a rural school needs to be restructured to include elements of children's research activities. In this regard, we note the critical attitude of S.T. Shatsky to traditional teaching methods on the example of the attitude to pedagogical issues: “... Pedagogical questions are very different from ordinary human questions: the teacher knows the answer to HIS question, and the student is also well aware that the answer to the question asked by the teacher, he already has in his head ... In the head of the student, undoubtedly, there is a conviction that if the teacher knows the answer and still asks, then his pedagogical question is a kind of pedagogical trick, and the student tries to answer to this question not on the merits, but tries to guess the answer that is in the head of the teacher ”(S.T. Shatsky. Selected ped. works: In 2 vols. T.2, 1980, p.192). Fundamentally different from this is the research activity of students. In this case, both the teacher and the student are in the same situation, they do not know the final result of the work, they do not know the answer to this problem, task. They only put forward a hypothesis together, test it, draw conclusions, etc. This activity in the full sense is a co-creation of the teacher and the student.

As proponents of exploratory learning point out, studying proccess ideally, it should model the process of scientific research, the search for new knowledge. The research activity of students is a form of the educational process, therefore, the concept of educational and research activity is often used to characterize this kind of student activity.

The educational and research activity of students is a form of organization of educational work that is associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result (in various fields of science, technology, art) and involves the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: problems, familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastering the research methodology, collecting your own material, its analysis, generalization and conclusions.

To determine the effectiveness of educational and research activities, we compared the Olympiad and scientific conference(as a form of summarizing the results of the research activities of schoolchildren) in a number of parameters, which revealed the need to restructure the educational process at school, taking into account the inclusion of elements of the research activities of children. We note the main factors leading to such conclusions.

We chose the educational result (“final” qualities of the student's personality) as one of these parameters. For Olympiads, this is the development of the cognitive, heuristic abilities of the student, in-depth knowledge of the subject, the development of skills to solve non-standard tasks and tasks of increased complexity outside the school curriculum, and more. For participants of conferences, in addition to the previous qualities, the presence of creative qualities of a researcher is already characteristic. Schoolchildren - participants of conferences - no longer just solve educational or olympiad problems, they carry out real scientific research in a particular field of science, technology, art.

Comparative analysis of olympiads and conferences showed that the nature of the student's educational activity preceding the olympiad or conference is fundamentally different in each case. In order to successfully perform at the Olympiad, it is necessary to deeply study the subject, solve a large number of problems of increased complexity, etc. In order to take part in a scientific conference, it is necessary to engage in research work, and in order to successfully speak at it, it is necessary to conduct serious scientific research: determine the goals and objectives, the object and subject of research, study a large amount of literature, put forward a hypothesis, conduct using different methods , the study itself, get the results, draw conclusions, formalize the work, and then be able to speak with it at the conference.

The study showed that the level of assimilation of experience is also different. Olympiads are characterized by a heuristic level: a student can apply previously mastered actions to solve a non-standard problem, while he receives subjectively new information. For conferences - a creative level: the student, when performing research work, a creative task, receives objectively new information.

The final result, the product of the student's activity at the Olympiad, is a completed task (solved problem, etc.) with a predetermined result (answer) for the jury. It has subjective novelty. In research activities, this scientific work, the results of which are reported at the conference. They were obtained in the process of the student's activity itself. The results are not known in advance. The final creative product has an objective novelty. Moreover, this product (scientific, creative work) has, as a rule, not only novelty, but also socially significant, practical value.

Let us briefly compare the Olympiads and conferences in terms of other parameters.

Level of development of interest: in the first case - cognitive (the need to increase knowledge, etc.), in the second - creative (the need to do your own research, creative work, etc.).

The level of communication between the teacher and the student in the educational process: in the first case - productive (do it yourself), in the second - creative (expression of one's own "I", co-creation of the student and teacher - supervisor).

The role of the student in the educational process before and during the Olympiad is the student, the “problem solver”; before and during the conference – researcher of a scientific problem, speaker.

The role of the teacher in the educational process in preparation for the Olympiad is the “coach” in solving problems, the role of the teacher in conducting research and preparing for the conference is the supervisor.

Thus, in the course of the problem analysis, it became necessary to create conditions for the creative self-realization of children, to involve them in research activities in various fields of science. This is the reason for the choice of the topic of the experiment: “Creating conditions for the development of research activities of students in a rural school”.

Object of study: the educational process of a rural school.

Subject of study: conditions conducive to the development of research activities of students in a rural school.

Hypothesis: if conditions are created in a rural school for the development of research activities of students, then this will contribute to the successful self-realization of children in a rural school.

The main result of effective self-realization is the achievement of a high educational result, the disclosure of the creative abilities of students, the identification of areas of interest of interest.

aim this project it was determined the creation of conditions for the creative self-realization of children in a rural school, their involvement in research activities in various fields of science, technology, culture.

In accordance with the goal, were set tasks project:

  • Summarizing creative work students, identifying talented, gifted students in the field of scientific, technical and artistic creativity.
  • Attracting gifted children to participate in creative, cognitive, intellectual activities, involving them in research, inventive and other creative activities in various fields of science, technology, culture.
  • Popularization of the intellectual and creative activity of schoolchildren, drawing public attention to the problems of preserving and developing the intellectual potential of society, to the problem of creative education and the development of gifted children.

To solve problems, the coordinated work of teachers, social and psychological services is needed. In addition, for the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to comply with the relevant organizational, financial, logistical, regulatory and methodological conditions.

Research methods:

  • the study of literature on the research activities of schoolchildren, the study of regulatory, methodological documents;
  • study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience;
  • surveys (questionnaires);
  • pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; analysis of school documentation;
  • comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, analysis.

Project implementation timeline:

Stages of project implementation

Project stages Deadlines Stage tasks Expected Result Responsible
1. Preparatory 2005-2006 1. Organizational:

Develop a plan for the development and implementation of the project.

Project implementation mechanism; distribution of functional responsibilities between project participants; determination of the base of the experiment, forms of periodicity of reports
2. Motivational:

To identify and analyze the attitude to the project of all participants in the educational process.

Work carried out with all participants in the educational process to familiarize themselves with the main goals and objectives of the project

Prepare teaching staff to project implementation.

Familiarization with the project implementation program, methodological and motivational readiness of teaching staff to implement the project
4. Informative:

To study the legal documentation governing work with gifted children at the federal, regional and municipal levels. Develop the content of the project in accordance with the chosen topic, goals and objectives.

The study of literature on the topic. Development of methods for diagnosing the development of research activities. Creation of legal documentation at the school level.

Provide information support to all participants in the educational process.

Information readiness of project participants.

Project monitoring system.

2. Practical 2006-2009 1. Carry out approbation of the project Implementation of the goals and objectives of the project
2. Carry out approbation of the criteria for the effectiveness of project implementation Intermediate results, their compliance with the goals and objectives of the project
3. Make the necessary adjustments to the content of the project Improved project with necessary changes in content
4. Build the educational process at school based on the proposed project Implementation of an organizational model of the educational process based on the content of the project
3. Control and evaluation 2009-2010 Carry out an analysis of the effectiveness of the project. Develop guidelines for the development of research activities in rural schools. participation in the olympiads, scientific and practical conferences school, district and regional levels. Report on the results of the project. Determination of the theoretical and practical significance of the project. Creation of a collection of research papers of participants. Implementation of project results.

Organization of research activities of students:

It is necessary to consciously approach the creation of a scientific society; at school, from one-time participation in district and city conferences, it is necessary to create a society based on the subjectivity of the interaction between an adult and a child in the course of pedagogical guidance of students' research activities.

The main goal of the NOU should be to identify and support gifted students, develop their intellectual, creative abilities, support the research interests of students. In the course of work, it is necessary to form some areas of activity:

  • organization of research work of students;
  • participation in ongoing olympiads, scientific and practical conferences;
  • contacts with representatives of academic science and social movements;
  • dissemination and promotion of this activity.

Forms of organization of research activities of students:

  1. Elements of research within academic subjects
  2. Items within the basic component
  3. Elective courses- school component
  4. Groups additional education
  5. Excursion
  6. hike or expedition
  7. Conference or competition
  8. Club or youth association

Criteria for evaluating expected results:

As a rule, the criteria used by teachers who conduct classes on research activities with students are subjective, no matter what they cite in the process of substantiating the importance, necessity, etc. of classes of this kind. For, if you look at it, for any such teacher, the central idea turns out to be his idea of ​​an ever-expanding turn of research activity, in which and for the sake of which he can attract ever new tasks, methods, techniques, interest children, etc. Under such conditions, of course, all particular criteria come down, ultimately, to one general one: the unfolding of a single space of research activity, the teacher feels that he lives in it, and his students feel it too. With their different attitudes towards research activities, some may accept its values, others treat it more pragmatically (preparation for a university, etc.), nevertheless, through the teacher, through his attitude, they are to a certain extent imbued with the purpose of research activities .

The second very important series of criteria for evaluating success is and is of a managerial and objective nature. It is essential to understand both the place of use of this criterion in school practice and its difference from the previously described criterion. Research activities in this case are associated with success in other learning parameters: for example, the number of students in the class, district school who took part in olympiads, readings and other similar events, the relationship between the number of students engaged in research activities and, for example, the number of students to one university or another. Using these criteria, it is possible to objectively attest to certain beneficial percentages between research activity and general sophistication.

Third type. Obviously, from research activities, the guys get a creative impulse or a desire to expand and the ability to enjoy the constant expansion of their own horizons. This quality is sometimes not easy to develop, but, having arisen, it can captivate with the desire not to sit idly by, to act all the time. Communicating with the leader, the guys learn the language, jargon, style of behavior accepted in the scientific (and any intellectual) community. Therefore, later it is much easier for them to enter, to be recognized as “their own” in the university staff, and in most of these communities. And, probably, the main thing that excites in adolescence is the need for communication, knowledge of oneself and one's capabilities through communication, which is successfully satisfied in those individualized forms that are so easy to organize in research. But at the same time, the skill of meaningful communication is acquired, when communicating informatively is “good”, “prestigious”. Note that these factors, apparently significant for students, allow the teacher to use them as an effective means of increasing the learning activity of children.

It seems that any head of an educational institution or its teacher, who analyzes his experience in organizing the research activities of students, should take into account and relate to all three types of criteria, only in this case his activity can be successful.